Tonight's Dr.Who was a lot better than last week, but best of all..
There was a trailer for next week ... and Jack's back! You kind of see him running with what looks like a rucksack on. It looks above ground, in the Roald Dahl Plass, but it's really a second at most so it's hard to tell. The trailer was all over the place, so I couldn't really work out what was happening, but he makes a mad jump at something and then he's lying on the ground in the TARDIS, saying did someone just kiss me? I hope it was the Doctor, but I'm betting Martha. Damn. So, I'm guessing the rumours that he hangs onto the outside of the TARDIS while it's travelling are right, and gets hurt because of that.
There's a great scene with him, the Doctor, and Martha are running, like Team Who!
I didn't expect the 'Jack' episodes so soon. I'd thought there weren't coming until the end of the season, so that was a pleasant surprise!
And who is this Saxon fellow?
And did anybody else spot Mavis from Coronation Street? I kept expecting her to go 'well I don't really know' or go on about Derek!
And I am loving that Reggie out of CBBC and Smile is in Dr. Who!
Wee thing though: the Lazarus monster looked a little daft, just because they had his face on it. Kind of reminded me of the boss in RE2 - when it corners Leon in the power station where he puts the chess plugs in the door to unlock it. If they'd got rid of his face, it wouldn't have looked so bad. The chase sequence where it's pursuing poor DT through the power room was good! *eeps* Run, David, run!
All in all, a good ep and our first look at Saxon. Big improvement on the last two weeks' eps.
But now, no Who for a fortnight! Don't know why...oh wait. I think it's the Eurovision song contest next week. *hides behind sofa* Do they have to show that? Especially if it means cancelling Who! Especially the ep where the Doctor and Jack meet up!
Anyway, rant over. Now I just need to find a way to wait out the next two weeks til I find out what's going to happen!