Sometimes I wish there really were such a thing as a "time machine"...

Jun 11, 2004 22:31

Today has been somewhat of an unpleasent day. At school all I wanted to do was go home and talk to my "significant other". When I got home I called him and his annoying little brother was on the phone with his friend, so I waited a while until Babe called me. When he called me everything just turned the wrong way. We kinda argued about him going to his friends, which I loath myself for because I find myself now completely imature. Which is sad because today I was yelling Krystal because of her imaturity. But how can I compare my "imaturity" to hers? I just can't because mine is not as worse as that. In fact, I believe this to be a one time thing. I guess I just got upset because I wanted to talk to my BABE. Hopefully he will forgive me, because I love him so much. And I wish I hadn't ended the call by throwing the phone at the wall. Babe, if you do read this know that I am truely sorri. I love you so much. Forgive n' forget. Kay?!
Neways... enough complaining, or whatever you want to call that, about how "unpleasent" my day was. Lets talk about the good things that occured today.
Today, while waiting to get into Mrs. Burgo's class, Brandon came up to me and started messing with his hair. He asked me "Do you like my hair?" So I smiled and said "Yah." And out of no where this popular sexi fuck compliments me on how "pretty my eyes are." I think I blushed because I've had the hugest crush on him ever since 6th grade, which is kinda pathetic. Now that I'm in 8th grade he finally notices me... Mhm...
Well, I am not sure what else to say... Maybe that I got another award for being in the top 10%... Oh, and Zuz called me today, we talked until Angel called him. I'm happi that she did. They needed to talk.
Alright, Im done updating for today...

And BABE, I truely am sorri... I really mean this... forgive me okay! I DUV VUU! And I seriously (with no lying), hope u have fun at Jon's. And I might be coming to church this weekend. Ima call your lady tomorrow and see what I can do. But no worring, she's not going to drive... my dad's bringing me and picking me up!
Alright, Im done...
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