Jul 16, 2007 12:17
On one hand, I can count how many times I've had a real conversation with my big brother, Anthony, face to face during my whole life. We haven't spoken since our aunt was in the hospital dying. Before then, no one in our family had spoken to him since Christmas of the previous year.
I missed him, so, I went searching for him. Googled him actually. Most of the pages I found were videos of him doing his karate thing from a few years back. He's one of the best martial artists in the world, and I didn't realize this until just recently. Eventually, I stumbled on a myspace video that was taken in June of this year. I went to the profile of the kid who posted the video. My brother is listed as one of his heroes, and he just so happened to have begun training with him last Friday. He will see him once a week for the next five weeks.
So, I sent the kid a message asking him to relay a message to my brother for me. That kid probably thinks I'm crazy, but it's worth a shot. The situation makes me completely nervous. My big brother and I are almost perfect strangers. Most of my time spent getting to know him was through Youtube and Myspace videos of his routine. What if he rejects me? This isn't some random guy who is telling me that he doesn't like me back. This would be my big brother telling me that he doesn't want me to be a part of his life. That would break my heart.
But, I'm taking the risk. I hopefully will find out Friday. Pray for me.