Jun 22, 2007 10:48
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...
These questions are from superlazygirl after I asked to be interviewed.
Hmmm, let me see...
1. What was your first impression of me?
I thought you were a bit more timid than the friends you were around at the time. Honestly, you reminded me of a band kid, so I was immediately drawn to you. That's a good thing. Although, it may not be for you. ;)
2. If you could visit just one country in Europe which one would it be and why?
Italy. Venice is the fashion capital of the world, baby! I would deeply enjoy seeing any of them though.
3. What are some things you're looking forward to in the second season of The Boondocks?
Riley, Riley, and Riley. He always makes me laugh with his thug like antics. (Well, as much of a thug that you can be at under 10 years old). I also hope that McGruder incorporates Caesar into the tv show. He's Huey's partner in crime in the comic strip.
4. Which Scrubs character do you laugh at the most?
J.D. makes me laugh the most because he is the main focus. However, he sometimes makes my brain go into that socially awkward mode and I just feel sorry for him. Dr. Kelso gets the highest ratio of appearance/laugh time for me. When he comes onto the screen, I know I'll probably begin smiling soon.
5. Why is Stephen Colbert THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE?
"We stretch taffy all the time, and it's delicious!" ...
I rest my case.