You're an upstanding citizen Sam.

Jan 11, 2007 22:09

It's been chaos around here lately, what with the crazy weather and everyone being so ill-prepared for snow and ice. B.C. typically has such mild weather that people are barricading themselves indoors since it started snowing! Still, even though it's terrifying to drive in and it messes with all our plans and schedules I CANNOT contain my excitement. It's snowing!!! What else do we have to look forward to in January?

I'LL TELL YOU WHAT! New episodes of favorite shows, THAT is what. (I've been settiling back into school. I needed to take a load of , so I went on a tv binge tonight.)

Yeah, funny thing happened over the holidays...other than, you know, rl stuff....I got bitten by the Supernatural bug. I know there are plenty of SPN enthusiasts on my flist who've been loving on this show and I like to be where the action is so I gave it a try. You guys were so right all along! At first I was just watching for the cute boys and because it seemed so fun and full of crack, but I was surprised to find how emotionally involved I got towards the end and especially during the second season. Sure I thought it had it's weak points but I actually think that the show has come a long way since it's beginning.

Case in point: I missed the first thirty minutes of tonight's episode and it still ruled! 
My poor sammy...errr I mean sam! 
This was a pretty huge episode for both of them, but I loved that Sam got to kick ass and take names. I'm not going to comment too much on it because I haven't seen the entire thing yet, but, It's all too much for my poor nerves! And aww he just couldn't kill Gordon in the end. Now that's the gentle giant I know and love! I actually wasn't impressed with Sam (or JP) at first, but tonight made me realize how much the little guy has grown on me.
p.s. The Office, which has been a long time favorite, was fabulous as always. Supernatural is a fun, exciting and swoon-worthy show, but the Office is just such a well done show. Good for the soul! And that's probably all the television critique you'll be getting out of me for awhile. New term and all.

supernatural, the office, snow

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