Remembrance Day

Nov 11, 2008 15:28

I had a million things I need to do today, but I still caught Canada's armistice anniversary on CBC with my fam. Today, on the the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we remember all those who were lost in the war, as well as the troops now in Afghanistan (and for those Americans on my flist, the soldiers in Iraq were on our minds too).

Both of my parents' grandfathers served in the first world war. Fortunately, neither died in combat. My mom's papa survived Vimy Ridge, which was basically a blood bath for Canadians, and lived into old age but my dad's grandpa died later on of complications from mustard gas poisoning, leaving my grandpa to take care of the family when he was only a teenager. I have a great-uncle who served in WWII as well.

We can never forget the price that so many paid for us. I think our generation is only beginning to understand the horrors that the vetrans and their families lived through. Days like these reinforce the need for peace in our time.

Sorry for the grave post today! I'll update later in a more cheerful mood, I promise!

remembrance day

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