
Sep 06, 2005 12:57

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1) If greenoystercult was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Serj
2) When did you last call miraclefull? Last summer
3) What would you do if anomaly88 died? Prolly feel like dying myself
4) What is californiahigh1's favorite band/artist? god i dunno maybe pinkfloyd?
5) Would you wrestle tugttw in jello? most likely no unless $ involved
6) What flavor of jello would anomaly88 be? bittersweet cherry
7) Is flyboybri athletic? pcha. if gymnastics were a sport. j/k
8) What is salbert13's shoe size? umm 9 1/2 id guess
9) Does limefrog89 have a dog? nope not that i know
10) salbert13's eye color? blue. pretty blue
11) Where was tried_true born? umm my guess is CT
12) Does tugttw do drugs? ha if advil counts maybe
13) Which of your friends should aka_awesome go out with? eric. because hes secretly very gay
14) Are aka_awesome and twoscoopsofruit going out? no i wish. thatd be the oddest couple ever
15) Could you see twoscoopsofruit and aka_awesome together? sorta...
16) If twoskinneeman took over the world, who would be happy? most ppl. hes a kindhearted guy
17) If salbert13 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? itd be a peace army and id be in
18) Is maceyourface popular? yeah well everyone likes her so sure
19) What video game does rigor_rampant remind you of? ha. umm lemmings
20) Have you ever dated tugttw? tehehe. shhh we wernt gunna tell anyone...
21) Does miraclefull drink? prolly. but not a lot id guess
22) Does limefrog89 have a big secret? yes i bet she does. havnt talked to her in a year tho
23) Is twoscoopsofruit related to anomaly88? hm. nope.
24) If flyboybri and salbert13 were spliced together, what would it be like? thatd be awesome.
25) If chinky_wang911 took over the world, who would suffer? anyone who's not asian or cute and blonde
26) What color should rigor_rampant dye their hair? red. but natural-looking
27) How tall is l337g33kmilly? umm 5'7''? maybe
28) What is rigor_rampant's biggest flaw? she likes beta fish too much. its not healthy i swear
29) Is hockiehef 1337? nope. shes the best sis ever tho
30) Have you flirted with miraclefull? ha. yeah maybe. but not for a long time
31) Do you have a crush on twoscoopsofruit? not so much. but maybe. secretly. okay yes dammit. wait no jaykay
32) Would twoskinneeman and awoeonip look good together? not really, no
33) What planet should chinky_wang911 be from? asia i guess
34) Are tugttw and anomaly88 going steady? hahahaha. hahahaha. haha. yes
35) Is twoscoopsofruit dead sexy? heck yes. oh baby oh baby
36) Did flyboybri break up with you? well no
37) Does anomaly88 go to your school? thank god yes.
38) What is twoscoopsofruit's favorite color? hmm. yellow? i dunno
39) What would you do if you found out flyboybri has a crush on you? id laugh. and then kiss him madly. jay kaying again
40) Does aka_awesome travel a lot? not really
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