Jun 22, 2008 13:11
Well I’m on Word right now because I don’t have internet in Paris and I’m not sure if I’m going to buy it or not. I suppose I might because I need to check my email and tell everyone I am in Paris and safe, but everything here costs so much money. I’m back to the Euro and done w/ the pound, but still. So expensive.
I don’t remember where I left off. So I suppose I will start with what I think I left off.
Wednesday in London - We woke up and had a short meeting with the class before heading to Parliament. It was one of my favorite parts of our stay in London. To see the House of Commons and House of Lords, to see where the Queen sits - not only that but it was absolutely beautiful. Incredibly beautiful. The intricate designs and details were amazing. We met with a member of the Conservative Party and were able to ask him questions about their form of government as well as discussed the Lisbon Treaty and America’s upcoming election.
Afterwards we went to Westminster Abbey and that was impressive as well. All along Big Ben was lurking over my shoulder. A small group of us went on the London Eye - which was cool, but perhaps a little too overpriced for what it was. It was amazing to see a complete overlook of the entire city. After this we made our way to the Tower of London and saw all the Queen’s jewels. I feel repetitive, but also amazing and beautiful. Then Chelsey, Chelsea, and I went to the British Museum and I saw the Rosetta Stone along with other sights. Around 10pm, a small group of the girls and I went to see the Prime Meridian. That was a mistake. We traveled to Greenwich and then wandered around trying to find it. It took far more effort than imagined. Not only was it about 30 minutes away from our hotel, but then we walked about 2 miles to the location. And of course it was closed. We were told it closed at midnight, but that was not the case. Regardless, there was a green laser in the sky marking it. It was remarkable to see this line lit up in the night marking the Prime.
Thursday - This morning we had a meeting with two reps from JP Morgan about PR, advertising, and journalism. The building was in the middle of the business district of London and it was a little intimidating. My know-it-all self asked about a thousand questions and pushed for the opportunity of an internship. The two women were witty and seemed to know what they were talking about. We discussed so many issues regarding the differences in British and American media.
Afterwards a couple of us went to the Tate Modern where I split from the group and wandered around listening to my iPod. It was invigorating and refreshing. I saw Picasso, Warhol, and many others. There was one exhibit by a man a can’t remember the name of but it was just a room full of projection screens of slides and short films of his. They mostly consisted of him being naked and covering himself with something vile or him shoving something into his mouth over and over again and then throwing up, or him standing with a mask over his face, tucking his dick behind his legs and moving around or him rubbing his dick over and over again trying to get hard but it never really working, or one group of slides of a woman naked with what looked like globs of blood stuck all over her face and body taken with a camera from different angles. It was an interesting sequence of events to say the least.
I was then by myself for the rest of the day exploring London with the Travelcard - Tube pass. I spent roughly 3 hours trying to find the Saatchi Gallery only finding it and it not reopening until September. Which was highly disappointing because my sister said she loved that gallery more than the Tate. Then I went back to Camden and bought something else for Anne’s birthday and picked myself up a couple things. I enjoyed exploring alone in this city of thousands.
That night the girls (Bridget, Chelsey, EB, Jamie, Chelsea, Jill, Lindsay, and I) went to The Swan, which was an adorable pub close to our hotel. We sat and drank Pimms until it was out of control. The jokes we have made on this trip are unexplainable and can’t be expressed to anyone hardly. They just wouldn’t be as funny. Basically we spent the entire night with my writing on napkins our “Magical Media Tour (MMT) Award Show” - which basically was us giving awards out to everyone in the entire group with our perception of them. Some examples include: Clumsiest Wizard, Cockblock and Cockblock II, Glass Half Empty, Charity Case, etc. We now have a name for everyone in the group - although they don’t know it. When we got back to the hotel, we were all in the lobby chatting online and whatnot when a group of British men came in being rowdy. I then got into a semi-screaming match with one about the war. Turned out he was raised in France and served in Iraq. He watched his friends and family die and said he did it because he thought what happened at 9/11 was wrong. We disagreed on quiet a few of the details, but regardless it was an interesting conversation.
I have discovered on this trip I have turned completely liberal without trying. Surprisingly on this trip majority of the girls are hardcore Republicans. Both Bridget and Chesley are extremely for McCain and extremely Catholic. It’s strange. Danny and I get into numerous conversations regarding politics because he was in love with Hillary and me and Barry are T for tight. I always thought I was pretty moderate, or very much in the middle of the spectrum, not leaning to either side. Then during this election I adore Obama and now after the millions of political conversations in our classes and on the streets of Europe - damnit, I’m a liberal. My sister would be so proud and my grandfather probably wants to disown me.
Friday - we woke up at 7am to board a train at 8am to travel to Paris. Once arrived I suddenly became aware of the fact that I do not speak French. For whatever reason the thought never occurred to me that this language barrier was going to be as difficult as it is. I walked into this country not knowing a damn word. When we first arrived at the hotel (which is the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in my entire life. Absolutely amazing. Very modern, designed well.) and we wandered the streets for a little while and immediately went to a shopping area I can’t even attempt to spell. The Arc. That’s all I got. I’ve learned the Metro and I do not like it compared to the Tube. And that is not even a language barrier biased comment. It just does not seem as efficient as the Underground. We called it an early night because we were all exhausted.
Today. It was an amazing day. I love Paris. It is probably one of my favorite cities we have been in and for once I actually feel like I am traveling to places far far away because I do not know the language. It’s a struggle with everyday things like ordering food or asking directions, but I love it.
I woke up for the best breakfast I have ever had in my entire life. Little crossiants filled with chocolate, little cinnamon pastries, pancakes, brie, ham, toast, pancakes, muffins, eggs prepared every way, yogurt, fruit everywhere, cereal, and a machine with oranges in it that literally squeeze the juice out into your cup. You are simply drinking a squished orange. In-cred-ible. So that started the day off pretty well.
Then we ventured off to the Louve. And there is probably a million things I could say about that - but yes. It was fantastic, I saw so many things and I limited myself to 3 hours there.
Then I took a nap and we prepared for the wild night ahead of us. I don’t remember what it is called but tonight was this party that all the university students throw at the end of finals. It’s one of the only days that the Metro runs 24 hours.
But beforehand Chelsey and I hosted a wine and cheese party in our room with our little posse. It was a great time. At one point the plastic cup I was drinking hilarious cheap wine out of broke from the bottom and I essentially shotgun a glass of wine. I had wine all the way down my arm, in my hair, and down my throat. Everyone thought it was pretty hilarious. Then the dance/singing party began until security needed us to quiet down. We took this as our time to leave.
We wandered the streets which were filled with millions of people. Apparently this party/festival is a pretty big deal because so many streets were closed and basically at each corner of a street a band would be playing with a huge gathering around them of people dancing and going crazy.
We found this platform of loud Euro techno and “raved” for a while.
Then we walked up into the area where the university was and found a café/bar and sat outside, drank, chatted, and smoked cigarettes for the rest of the night. I love these girls I’m here with. I take that back, I love our posse of eight, and I can stand the rest. We’ve developed some crazy close relationships because we are forced to be with each other. We spent the better part of the night admitting all our first impressions of each other and how we pinky-promise we’re all going to hang out when we get back. We declared that each girl will be hosting a MMT party each month. It’s going to be strange going from seeing these girls every day, all day to suddenly going back to Baton Rouge. It makes me sad and it blows my mind that this trip is almost over. Although I keep flip-flopping with the idea that it seems like I’ve been gone for years to it seems like I left yesterday.
This has all been quite the experience. I have found out numerous things about myself as well as other people. It’s interesting to see how other people work and react to situations. And strangely enough, I am one of the more positive people on the trip. Half these girls bitch, moan, and complain when something isn’t going their way - but I simply refuse to be unhappy about a goddamn thing when I am sitting, having a cigarette and a glass of wine in fucking Paris. I refuse. Some girls don’t have that outlook. I always thought I was such a Negative Nancy, but for once in my life, I am content. I am happy. I am looking on the brighter side of things and I am up for whatever, whenever, with whoever. I am so pleased with everything at the moment.
It’s weird.
Random notes about where I am:
1. UK - signs on the street telling you to “Look Left” or “Look Right” and little pedestrian lights that flash red or green when you are supposed to walk across the street. Which almost insults my amount of intelligence because it’s as if I’m not smart enough to know when a car is coming and I’m not supposed to cross the street.
2. London - nudity is all over some papers and the writing style is so opinionated and “in your face” type of journalism.
3. Europe- People bluntly stare.
4. UK - “chunkin’ the deuce” means “Fuck you.”
5. Europe - paying for water everywhere sucks and majority of the type it is cheaper to buy a beer instead.
6. UK - they say “Are you on holiday?” opposed to saying vacation.
7. UK - they ask “Are you at University?” opposed to college.
About myself:
1. I have never eaten so many different types of food and stepped outside my comfort zone in my life. I have eaten and enjoyed food that on any other occasion would not be “up to par.”
2. I never get any sleep.
3. I wake up by 8am every morning and eat breakfast.
4. I have never walked so much in my entire life. I walk everywhere all day every day. My legs look fantastic after this trip, but I now have a gut from the amount of no substance dining and beer.
5. I am not afraid to go into a party/bar/crowd where I do not know a single soul because I have erased the comfort zone of having friends or knowing anyone. I feel like everyone has something to offer and I will be able to make a conversation with who ever is there.
6. I have met some really amazing girls who I will hopefully continue to hang out with after this trip.
7. I am in love with brie.
Tomorrow is breakfast in the morning with Chel, then off to explore a different side of Paris and then to the Catacombs. Monday is class, trip to Eiffle Tower, and Lindsay’s birthday. Tuesday is class and our farewell dinner with the group. Wednesday morning I head home.
I can’t believe it’s over.
Also, my hotel room reeks of cheese. Sick.
today - june 22nd.
this has to be short because i just paid an unforgivable amount of money for the internet. i wouldn't have done it, but i had to email my father and sister letting them know i was in fact in france and safe. so this will be quick.
i woke up this morning and had again, the best breakfast of my life. then chelsey and i wandered to some area i can't pronounce the name of. we climbed to the top of some hill/mountain of a church and were able to see an entire view of paris. breathtaking.
then this african man came up and tied a string around my finger. and then proceeded to tell me how great american was while braiding said string. i knew where this was going and told him i wasn't going to pay for this bracelet he was making me. he told me only 15 euro. i laughed in his face. i wound up paying 5 for it because by this point it was tied around my wrist. what to do?
then we went to the catacombs and saw about a million piles of bones. it was in-sane. then we wandered around and chelsey and i split off from th group and went to sit outside at a cafe and people watch. i had an amazing meal and enjoyed the view of the city. then i had the best ice cream of my life.
it's been a wonderful day of simply walking around the city and trying to get a feel for it. i'm slowly understanding the metro more, but it is hot and sticky.
ashley, i can't find the cookies! i can only find "princes" which i don't think is the same thing. :( so i'm sorry...
anne, i'll be home soon! i'll call you when i land in new jersey on wednesday.
everyone else, i fucking miss you and we're all hanging out when i get back.
the end for now - time for homework and to watch these next two days fly by before i take off for the states.