May 28, 2004 22:54
went in2 town 2day...had ORANGINA! WOWNESS!!! lol...i never bought a giant cookie coz they only get bought on sats!!!:D:D lol.i no..kinda wierd but hey! who cares rite?
OMG! emz....brace urself! and sophie saw JOSH! :D:D he's da sweetest guy ever and he had his hair back and it was all CURLY!:D:D awwww! i felt like goin up 2 him and givin him a hug! (but i thought against it..he wouldn't rmmbr who i was!) i hven't seen him since....about a year! ( for ppl who dnt no wot da fuck im on was this guy tht used 2 go 2 ma skool and i him..but thts not da point! i mean wot would u do...a guy + long hair! helo!!! deffinatly try say hi 2!) and he looked all cute cummin out of virgin megastores...hee hee:D awwwww! lol thts me finished hve anythin else 2 say so i'll leave u's all! :D
update l8rs
elly xx