at a point while i was working at alchemy on cinco de mayo (dressed like some weird fucking mixture of a stereotypical mexican bandito and a nightmare 80's flashback) i was in the kitchen pouring some milk into the coffee that shannon was wonderful enough to pick up from starbucks. while i'm pouring the milk i'm also thinking to myself how nice it would be to have a tall glass of whole milk it later on sometime during the evening... then it kind of dawned on me how fucking weird it would look to see me running around dressed all half-assed mexican sipping a pint glass filled to the brim with whole milk... but why would it be so strange to me? after a bit of memory scanning, i think i can honestly say that never in my life have i been around a mexican drinking a tall glass of milk or even seen a photo of a smiley mexican just holding a glass of milk... cows are indigenous to the country, so what's to stop them? but i couldn't even recall one mexican dish at the time where milk would be an ingredient.
so i asked a few people around work and the response was pretty much a giggly kind of what the fuck smile... some even said it might be a little racist or they "weren't going to touch that one," but out of everyone there that i talked to, there wasn't one person who could recall ever seeing a mexican drinking a glass of milk in their life. one coworker pointed out breastmilk, but i'm talking about the bovine juice, and it kind of weirds me out thinking of a happy mexican in a sombrero and poncho holding a tall warm glass of breastmilk. a couple days later while i was eating at the seas in milford, i brought the question up again (just throwing it down the bar randomly) and still the same response. i asked the bartender if he'd put the question up on the chalkboard they usually throw sports trivia on, but he said it may be a tad offensive.
so while it came to mind again after being bored of the normal sites i go to online, i figured i'd be able to find a picture of it somewhere, and while the search was kind of shoddy (only spent about five minutes) i came up with nothing more than a few statistics from tests performed by several universities which basically claim that around fifty percent of the (approx 300 million) mexican-american population is lactose intolerant, and that statistic jumps to around seventy five percent of those living in rural areas (both native and american)... there's also a
table and brief rundown i found supporting these aforementioned statistics on a website concerning nutritional genomics. i guess now i know what to slip an alaskan eskimo or asian american if i ever want to give them the shits.
alright so the whole point of this is calling out to anyone who may have read this far without being bored or offended for a picture of a happy little smiley mexican with a twinkle in his holding up a glass of milk for the camera. it's gotta be out there somewhere. i mean, i don't think a high percentage of the world population love to be bound, gagged, blind-folded and suspended from the ceiling while having people spit in their face and insert strange objects into their anus, but i bet i could still find a video of that... so should it really be so hard to find this. if anyone knows where i can find this, please send it to me... i'd totally owe you one for the kick i'd get...
...and if it happens to be a glass of breastmilk, please don't tell me, because my head might explode that second.