Kitchen from the door.
Theres more chairs at the table now.
Rizzy and the kitchen
Computer room? It's cleaner now.
Couch, coffee table
Front door, T.V
Bedroom, which is a lot cleaner now.
So, yeah. It's going alright. My grades in school are okay. Except I think I may fail chem? I am taking tutoring for it now, so fingers crossed that I pull this shit out. I got an interview at Uno's in porter square. I'm not exactly stoked to be a waitress, but I need a job so i'll take it until I can find a new one. Maybe I'll like it. I'm kinda hoping I get it so I can stop worrying about money so much. I need to go food shopping, I need a mop, and other cleaning stuff, curtains, rugs, and i still have to pay the gas/electricity bill. ughh.
But living on my own is kind of fun. Lonely at times, but nice when i spend long amounts of time with people and they peace and I can just chill.
I feel like it's hard to concentrate on school while living on my own. Especially now that I'll probably be working Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. All days I don't have school. But maybe I'll work less and pull doubles.
Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't even know if I got the job.
Come visit me.
and Rizzo.
and sometimes Nick.
and a lot of the times Matt and Lauren.
k. Bye.