Title: Shards
sungie86Rating: R
A/N: O_O; Drabble. Thingie. I wasn't TRYING for any certain number of words, and I never have posted wordcount before, but I was curious after I finished writing so I checked... and it's 100. You can either attempt to guess who I had in mind for it, or you can simply enjoy it imagining whoever you want it to be. And ^^ I promise to write more SR soon xx;!
He'd always wondered, as his body lay trapped beneath another, how people like himself did not shatter like fragmented mirrors when glanced at. There were no voices singing redemption this far below sea level, and he gasped like a drowning man as a base vortex catapulted him into a split-second coma from which he returned in blind gossamer layers.
Gentle hands, soft lips, rough thrusts, he bore it all as though each individual touch would somehow fill in the blanks that he found after every encounter.
And every time, he left a piece himself at the bottom of the sea.