Title: La Vie Bohème
Pairing: Jaejoong centric, JaeHo
Lenght: One-shot
Word count: 2700~
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, angst, fluff, weird
A/N: based on
orionsroad’s prompt: I see student artist Jaejoong and the only boy he's ever loved, who followed him halfway around the world (I hope this fic makes it justice, and thank you for that inspiring post!) and on those lovely JaeHo pics in Paris. :3
Sorry for the uber clichè title, but I just couldn't resist. =D Also, I hope I didn't fuck up too much with Paris' description (to any French fan reading this, feel free to correct me! X3).
Thank you very much to
maryl_z, who betaed. ILUSM, girl. ♥
Finally, this is for Guu. ♥ I tried to finish it before you left, and of course I failed spectacularly. Sorry. ^^'
I see student artist Jaejoong and the only boy he's ever loved, who followed him halfway around the world.