Title: A Clear Midnight
Character: Jaejoong POV, but includes all the rest
Length: 1/?
Rating/Genre: NC-17 for Jaejoong's language; angst
Summary: Yunho had been the one with the weak stomach and I used to heckle him like a fucker about it.
A/N: I'm a noob, don't be too harsh. ^^ I wrote this like around 3 in the morning so it's a little messed up. It has a plot, though. Just give it some time.~
It somehow came out Catcher in the Rye-ish for some reason. Don't mind it. Haha. I probably just miss that book since I left it at home and I'm stuck here in uni.
Title by the way is a poem made by Walt Whitman.
Fake cut: A Clear Midnight