Title: For A Fleeting Eternity
Pairing: YooSu (main), JaeHo
Rating: PG-13 for some language --> subject to change. ^^v
Genre: Romance, fluff, mild angst
Type: Chaptered
Synopsis: For an angel that has fallen to earth - pulse coming alive for the very first time - the warmth of life streaming through his veins seems so foreign... yet intoxicating. But living is more than having a heart that beats... Disclaimer: I do not own DBSK - although I damn wish I did (^^). This story is entirely fictional.
Warnings: My very first shot at a yaoi fanfic. English is not my primary language. >< No beta-reader. BAD. VERY BAD. But go easy on me pretty please? ^^,
Past Chapters:
Part 1 (
Part 2 - Are you jealous, Jaejoong-ah? )