Aug 14, 2008 14:04
Some may say it's impossible, but I am here to tell you the story of my instant lunch fail.
It was a normal day. I was a bit late to the office so I probably should've planned a shorter lunch, but there's nothing terribly unusual about that. When 12:40 rolled around, I went home for lunch as is my normal operating procedure.
That's when I diverted from normal. See, I'd usually make a nice, toasty bagel sandwich with some melty cheese mmmm. Maybe pasta or taquitos if the mood struck me, but likely a sandwich. But not today. Oh no, not today.
Today was Day 3 of Small Repairs to the House That Have Been Ignored for Many Years. And on today's list were the fluorescent lights in the kitchen. That meant that there was a combination of ladder/equipment and protective mats spread across the kitchen and blocking both the fridge and the pantry.
In that moment, I knew the heartbreak of Instant Lunch Fail, a horrendous event that can no longer be classified as merely urban legend.