(no subject)

Jan 30, 2004 16:26

Ur FaveRaven1: *sighs* Hey Mandy...
Mandy 4 Terry: Hey Terry
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks around* Snape leave you for a bit?
Mandy 4 Terry: *sighs* yeah, he's gone to take some dreamless sleep potion to Madam Pomphrey
Ur FaveRaven1: *sits down next to her heavily* Good..... I finished cleaning out all those cauldrons.
Mandy 4 Terry: I can't believe he made you clean them all out
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles at her* Please....that was the easiest thing I've done all week. B-but I'm sure he's not finished with me quite yet for the evening. *looks over at her parchment* Wh-what's that? Grading assignments for him?
Mandy 4 Terry: Yeah, I swear he's a lazy bastard
Ur FaveRaven1: *grins* How's the wrist? All rested from last night?
Mandy 4 Terry: Yeah
Ur FaveRaven1: *raises an eyebrow* Enjoy the view?
Mandy 4 Terry: *smirks* It was very nice
Ur FaveRaven1: *laughs slightly* I was j-just kidding.... *leans on his arm on the desk* I think tonight I'm gonna pass out as soon as we get out of here.
Mandy 4 Terry: I know, I'm so tired, but I can't sleep for some reason. The only decent nights rest I got was when I- *blushes* Was when I kept you company
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks at her* Wh- really? *drops his eyes, smiling* Yeah well...it was nice to have you there...again. *looks back up at her and shrugs* I-I mean, if you...if you'd like....
Mandy 4 Terry: Terry you're stuttering, more than usual
Ur FaveRaven1: *rubs the back of his neck, blushing* I-I..I know. I...s-sorry. *looks up at her* If you want to stay over again...that'd be ...it'd be nice.
Mandy 4 Terry: You mean it?
Ur FaveRaven1: Well ...yeah. Sure. I think I sleep better when you're there too.
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* Do you think that means anything?
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles crookedly* I think it means we're very comfortable with one another.
Mandy 4 Terry: *reaches out and strokes his cheek* Meant to be
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks in her eyes* S-sure..... *turns as he hears Snape coming down the hall*
Mandy 4 Terry: *pulls her hand away and continues marking*
Ur FaveRaven1: *gets up quickly* Right....I...I gotta get out of here. *leans down and quickly kisses her cheek*
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* I'll meet you in the common room then?
Ur FaveRaven1: *jogs over to the door* Y-yeah...see you upstairs.
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles and continues marking*
Ur FaveRaven1: *12:30 am* *drags himself into the common room*
Mandy 4 Terry: *yawns, turning to see who entered* Terry, you're back!
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks up at her, slightly surprised* H-how do you get out of there so early? Gods, he's trying to kill me I swear.
Mandy 4 Terry: I just finished what I was supposed to be doing
Ur FaveRaven1: *drops onto the sofa* I can't even lift my arms...
Mandy 4 Terry: *gently rubs the arm closest to her* he certainly is a slave driver
Ur FaveRaven1: I think he prefers you. I'm his whipping boy.
Mandy 4 Terry: Snapes doesn't prefer anyone but slytherins
Ur FaveRaven1: W-well true. *turns to her* So... I uh, I want to get to bed. Did you still...?
Mandy 4 Terry: Want to go with you? *smiles* I think I better, I really need some sleep, I almost fell asleep marking those papers
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles* O-okay. *gets up, offering her his hand*
Mandy 4 Terry: *takes his hand and stands* So, er, shall we?
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks her up and down* Y-you're already dressed for bed. Lucky you.
Mandy 4 Terry: *Looks down at her PJ's* Yeah
Ur FaveRaven1: *winks at her* Y-you're adorable. *motions for her to go upstairs*
Mandy 4 Terry: *walks up the stairs* Adorable?
Ur FaveRaven1: *yawns* You heard me. *gets the door for her*
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* Thanks *walks through the door*
Ur FaveRaven1: I-I think they're asleep so just....we need to be quiet. *closes the door behind him softly*
Mandy 4 Terry: *whispers* Okay *walks over to his bed*
Ur FaveRaven1: *takes off his sweater and kicks his shoes off* *turns away from her, unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants off*
Mandy 4 Terry: *sighs and walks around him, undoing the buttons on his shirt*
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks at her* Wh-what are you doing? I-I can get it.
Mandy 4 Terry: It's quicker with two pairs of hands
Ur FaveRaven1: Um...right...*pulls his shirt off his shoulders and tosses it on his trunk* *looks down at himself in boxers and a t-shirt and shrugs* Al-alright then. *motions to the bed* C-come on.
Mandy 4 Terry: *gets onto the bed and lays down, pulling the covers over her*
Ur FaveRaven1: *goes around the other side, realeasing the tie on the curtains and gets in*
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* Just like before
Ur FaveRaven1: *looks at her, settling the covers around him* *quietly* B-before? *smiles* Last time you stayed?
Mandy 4 Terry: You know, like old times
Ur FaveRaven1: Yeah well.....th-these are new times. *lays back on his pillow and looks over at her in the dark*
Mandy 4 Terry: yeah...
Ur FaveRaven1: *stares into the darkness at her for a few moments, silent* *whispers* Mandy?
Mandy 4 Terry: Yes?
Ur FaveRaven1: *softly* Is it....is it too soon to want to kiss you?
Mandy 4 Terry: No *leans over and gently kisses his cheek*
Ur FaveRaven1: *turns his face up to hers , his lips nervously feeling for hers*
Mandy 4 Terry: *kisses him back, her hand stroking the side of his face*
Ur FaveRaven1: *opens his mouth slightly, feeling hers with his tongue*
Mandy 4 Terry: *opens her mouth to him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *moves his hand to the back of her head pressing her lightly to him*
Mandy 4 Terry: *moves her hand down his back to rest it on his hip*
Ur FaveRaven1: *pulls back slightly, planting smaller kisses along her lips, tasting her with his tongue*
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles, pulling herself closer to him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *wraps his other arm around her waist, holding her tightly* *slides his tongue back into her mouth*
Mandy 4 Terry: *wraps a leg around his, massaging his tongue with hers*
Ur FaveRaven1: *moans softly into her mouth, kissing her back, running his hand up and down her back*
Mandy 4 Terry: *pulls back slightly* I want you Terry
Ur FaveRaven1: *pulls back, breathing heavy* *frowns* W-we shouldn't...
Mandy 4 Terry: I know
Ur FaveRaven1: *leans close, touching his lips to hers* I-I want you more than anything. *kisses her softly* We should wait.
Mandy 4 Terry: Who says?
Ur FaveRaven1: Wh-what if it's too fast? *kisses her again* I-I want us to be right this time...*moves down her neck, nuzzling into her* I can't fight anymore with you...it hurts too much.
Mandy 4 Terry: It's not too fast, Terry I love you
Ur FaveRaven1: *kisses up her neck* Promise w-we'll work things out together... *kisses along her ear* no more arguing....n-no more breaking up with me....
Mandy 4 Terry: I promise Terry, I trust you
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles against her neck* You trust me..... *pulls back and looks down at her* I'll never hurt you.
Mandy 4 Terry: I know *slips her hands under his teeshirt*
Ur FaveRaven1: *shivers slightly* *leans back down to her and kisses her*
Mandy 4 Terry: *kisses him back, running her hands down his chest*
Ur FaveRaven1: *rolls on top of her, kisses down her chin to her throat*
Mandy 4 Terry: *moans slightly, closing her eyes*
Ur FaveRaven1: *runs his hands up her arms to her face* M-mandy... you make me weak.
Mandy 4 Terry: Do I really? *smirks and nuzzles at his neck*
Ur FaveRaven1: *presses his hips into hers* Y-you can make me do anything...I g-give in to you...
Mandy 4 Terry: *pulls his teeshirt over his head* I'd do anything for you
Ur FaveRaven1: J-just be with me. I-I'll take care of everything else. *runs a hand up her shirt*
Mandy 4 Terry: I'll be with you forever
Ur FaveRaven1: *slides his hand over her breast, running his thumb over her nipple* *leans in to kiss her* I'm holding you to that.
Mandy 4 Terry: You can do anything you want *kisses him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *pulls back suddenly* Th-the charm. H-hold on.... *jumps out of bed and fishes around for his wand in his robe pocket* *pulls it out and slowly gets back into bed, casting a silence spell* *moves over top of her again and smiles* T-tony already warned me once he doesn't want to hear it from over here.
Mandy 4 Terry: *laughs, reaching into his boxers and gently touching him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles fades* *moans softly* Mandy.... *pushes her shirt up* Take-take this off....
Mandy 4 Terry: *pulls her shirt off over her head, tossing it to one side*
Ur FaveRaven1: *leans down over her, pressing his chest against hers* *kisses her neck* I want you so much.
Mandy 4 Terry: you have me, forever
Ur FaveRaven1: *presses his erection hard into her thigh* *nips at her neck* I want you now.
Mandy 4 Terry: Then take me
Ur FaveRaven1: *breathes* Yes.... *claws at her bottoms, pulling them down with her panties*
Mandy 4 Terry: *pushes his boxers down and wraps a leg around him*
Ur FaveRaven1: Oh gods, Mandy.... *settles between her legs and pushes into her roughly* *groans softly* It's only been a week ..... *breathes* I-I've missed your body.
Mandy 4 Terry: *moans as she kisses his neck, gently sucking*
Ur FaveRaven1: *closes his eyes, breath hitching as he moves in and out of her*
Mandy 4 Terry: *shifts slightly beneath him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *moves faster, thrusts into her harder*
Mandy 4 Terry: *pants* Gods Terry
Ur FaveRaven1: *runs a hand roughly through her hair* *leans down to kiss her*
Mandy 4 Terry: Gods, I've missed you Terry
Ur FaveRaven1: *runs his tongue along her lips and up her cheek* M-me too..... *grinds into her*
Mandy 4 Terry: *cries out*
Ur FaveRaven1: *thrusts into her harder* G-good?
Mandy 4 Terry: Better than good
Ur FaveRaven1: *bites his lip, pushing himself up on his arms* Come for me, love. *thrusts into her* I-I want to feel you come.
Mandy 4 Terry: I-I'm going to *pants* I love you *cries out as she tightens around him, coming*
Ur FaveRaven1: *shudders over her, coming as she screams* *catches breath* I-I love....I love you too....
Mandy 4 Terry: *kisses him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *lets himself down on her, kisses her lips, her nose and her cheek*
Mandy 4 Terry: Wow
Ur FaveRaven1: *rolls to her side and drapes an arm across her stomach* I'm glad you're so pushy. *smiles*
Mandy 4 Terry: *grins and kisses him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *pulls her closer* So uh... are we officially back?
Mandy 4 Terry: If you want to be
Ur FaveRaven1: *laughs slightly* W-well my whole taking it slow thing is out the window.
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* I don't mind
Ur FaveRaven1: *smiles and kisses her forehead* I think I want you back. For good.
Mandy 4 Terry: *snuggles close to him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *grins* I-I take it you are okay with that?
Mandy 4 Terry: I'm fine with that
Ur FaveRaven1: *rolls his head to the side on his pillow and closes his eyes* E-everything's fine again.
Mandy 4 Terry: *kisses him*
Ur FaveRaven1: *plays with her hair* *softly* ...y-you kissed me and stopped me from shaking....and I need you today oh, Mandy....
Mandy 4 Terry: *smiles* You have a good voice
Ur FaveRaven1: *laughs* Don't lie. *kisses her nose* G-goodnight, love.
Mandy 4 Terry: Goodnight
Ur FaveRaven1: *rests his forehead against hers and falls asleep*
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