Sep 23, 2010 23:52

MAFIA: signups

Because I am just a little bit insane, I'm going to be hosting an IC game of Mafia here. If you're not familiar with Mafia works, it basically breaks down like this: it's you and your bros, except some of your bros aren't actually your bros- they're murderers, and they're killing off one of you each night. It's your job to figure out who in the group belongs to the traitors- or maybe you are a traitor.

This is still completely in the planning stages for me, and setting/plot details will come later, but right now, this is a signup post! The game itself will begin sometime in October; its length will depend on how many characters sign up, but I estimate about 1-2 weeks. It will be low-commitment roleplaying; you'll still be able to manage your regular games and tags on top of this. Consider this an experiment of sorts, and an opportunity to get to play up the darker aspects of your character.

If enough characters are pulled together for this, I'll put up a guide later to how this particular game of Mafia will work in an LJRP/Hetalia setting. For now, thank you for your interest! ;u;


1) To lessen confusion and for ease of the plot, only one of each character will be permitted; that means that if we already have an America, we can't have another America, nor can we have a female America. Because one is already annoying enough.

2) Related to that- you can sign up more than one character, yes! But if someone else wants your second or third character, please give priority to them!

3) Originals and OCs only- that means characters as they are represented in canon (non-AU), and OCs of nations that have not appeared yet (so, yes, you can sign up India or something).

4) ...There are no other rules.


1. Vietnam | lotuslife
2. Russia | kol_shevik
3. Latvia | bawlingforsoup
4. Belarus | knifehand
5. Belgium | wafels
6. Hong Kong | scentofbauhinia
7. Canada | mr_blandy_bland
8. Monaco | alwayssunnyina
9. Taiwan | bubbleteatime
10. Ukraine | motheringnation
11. Cuba | commie_island
12. North Korea | hermitkingdom
13. America | redscareandblue
14. Germany | reluctantnanny
15. Japan | brbmodernizing
16. Liechtenstein | neutralityloli
17. England | is_an_island
18. Poland | ponyplanes
19. Prussia | armywithcountry
20. Hungary | muskatli
21. Romano | buonobuonoooh
22. China | redarising
23. Sealand | fort_roughs
24. Egypt | biladi

hetalia mafia, hetalia mafia (ooc)

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