This is where the subject would go.

May 12, 2006 09:17

So, we've been cleaning ALL FUCKING MORNING. Vallory is just sitting on her fat white ass, while I pick up all her fat white shit. I get her back by busting the most evil farts in her direction. Right after she vomits, I call her a homo, and try to set her aflame with my sweet lighter skills. Satan abound, kids.
My room is fucking sweet lookin'. Tron took her shit outta my room, so I was able to actually get the bastard spotless. Now I got sweet naked bitches on the walls, and I got my new set of dildos all on display, looking fucking cool. Too bad Vallory has to taint my killer room with her whiteness. Damn, I'm one bad, bad, Mexican man. But then again, Vallory is a bad, bad, fish-belly, so it all evens out. Fucking gringo. Hmmmmm...I think after this I'm gonna totally FUCKING SHRED her ass with a pitchfork. Fucking whitey is retarded. And queer.
C word! C word! C word!
I gotta get back to cleaning, before the gestapo gets all surly on me, and makes the Roast Beefy poop in my boots.
I love you guys. Warts and all. You too, Tron.
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