Sep 15, 2004 21:36
I'm not sure how many of you have actually gotten out of me why I've been complaining about pain in my feet. Well, I guess I'll tell you since its almost gone. In August I discovered, much to my disfortune, that I had a nasty ol' wart on my foot (EEEEEEWWWW T_T) and my mommy got me the pads to get rid of it.... and it wouldn't go and I ran outta pads for it so I was stuck with it for like a month. Because of the pain in that foot I was limping alot, causing a corn on the bottom of my other foot (go figure) Well, finally, thank god, today, mom finally got me pads for the corn and freeze off for the wart (DIE WART!!!!) So YAY my wobbling days are soon to be over ^____^ *sigh of relief*
And, on another happy note (F flat XD) Mommy got a REALLY pretty dress for aunty's wedding, with my help. Go mommy! And it ain't an ol' lady dress, its elegent and pretty and shows off her curves XD (w00t curves!)
And I got to see ajay today :( I didn't want him to leave... :( so sad. I love him so much XD I was showing off his pictures. AND I bought the homecoming tickets (Btw, ajay, I'm not telling you the price) I'm all excited now! YAY ^.^ And tomorrow I'm getting picture retakes XD w00tness. No more sick Katie picture! now... to make sure I look good and no icky pimples *scrubs face* *hopes to god these pictures will be better* PRAY WITH ME!!!!!!
Ok, now for a story, cause thats why you all (whoever you are) read my LJs, STORY TIME XD Ok, brilliant me, last night before i fell asleep, realized that I haven't had a nightmare in a while. Curious. Why haven't I had a nightmare? Oh well. I wondered if I thought about Jeepers Creepers (the movie) before I fell asleep, if I would have a nightmare. I doubted it, cause then I started thinking about Ajay and I fell asleep really fast. ZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZzzzzz (me sleeping) Well, in the middle of the night.. guess what! I had a nightmare!!!! wow, who woulda guessed? The creepy guy was after me and my friends and for some reason, he wanted my heart! He wanted my heart cause it was "pure" (obviously that monster needs to do some research) and because you never saw the monster in the movies, I didn't see him in my dream, which freaked me out, specially with dead bodies around me. *cries* well I woke with a start about to cry and I realize its a dream so I roll over and start thinking. "Thank god, it was only a dream, besides, Ajay would protect me" and I fall asleep again only to dream that the damn thing killed Ajay for, like, his lungs or brain or something, then went after me again! T____T so then I started squirming cause I couldn't wake up (don't you hate that) and I was trapped, THEN MY ALARM WENT OFF! Nearly fell outta my bed... so much for fallin back asleep.... The good thing is.. I had time to shower XD Te quiero, ajay.