Attempting Something

Nov 03, 2009 22:53

It's nice to see things calming down once again. I'd like to personally thank any students or staff who helped out in all the chaos. To everyone else, well, I know it wasn't your fault. Personally, I think it could have gone a lot worse and this will certainly be a time that will be spoken of for years to come.

Anyway, that's not the point of this entry. I've noticed a lot of people (students and staff alike) have been having problems lately: personal, academic, emotional, etc. As the Newspaper advisor, I think it's high time we start an advice columnist section in the paper. I'll be putting an entry form outside of my office for anyone interested in submitting their problems. You can make them anonymous of course, and I will personally see to it that you get a response.

Any student in my class, of course, is welcome to volunteer to help me make responses to these entries.

So, what do you think? Good idea?

[ooc: If you guys want me to do this idea, I'll set up a post soon where your characters can submit their IC "Ask Abby" style problems and Ask Maes for advice. Once I've compiled a few, I'll make a post to this journal with Maes' responses. I figured it would be a fun way for Maes to interact with people, but also for him to gather intelligence on the goings on at Hogwarts...he's a sneaky one]

totally not up to something, announcement, ask maes, he likes to help

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