Jesus was so full of shit

Apr 03, 2008 21:18

SO I was thinking more about yesterday's confrontation and some other events in my life. Had I turned the other cheek yesterday, I'd have been a total pussy, allowing two idiots to walk all over me. Most of my earlier life I turned the other cheek and it just got me low self esteem, fat lips, and a lot of black and blue marks. Jesus said turn the other cheek, but he was an idiot. If we always turned the other cheek when someone wronged us, we'd be wiped out. He was also an asshole for saying that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye in a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. 1. There is no heaven. 2. What if the rich man was very generous, treated his workers with the utmost decency, donated a lot of his money to charity, educated the poor, saved kittens from trees, and helped old ladies cross the street? What horse-shit that if some poor shmuck who stole that same old ladies purse and boiled live kittens for sport would have an easier time getting into heaven than the rich, generous guy. The real reason Jesus didn't use his powers to get off the cross was because he was a nobody with an agenda, a crazy one at that; he had no more power to raise the dead than a single Amish guy has to raise a barn. The only seeing he made a blind man able to do was for the blind man to see what a fool he was for believing that Jesus could heal him. Guess what Jesus? You turned the other cheek and look what happened to you.

That out of the way, I'm glad I stood up for myself. I've felt different all day.

Oh yeah, and fuck you, Jesus.
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