Title: At the End of Each Day (4/?)
Author: Morgan D. aka
morgan_dRating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Finn + Kurt, canonical pairings (Kurt/Blaine, Finn/Rachel, Finn/Quinn, Burt/Carole, brief Blaine/Rachel, etc.)
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters belong to Ryan Murphy Television and 20th Century Fox Television.
Spoilers: For this chapter, up until 2.12. Eventually, everything.
Thanks: To my beta, the lovely
tekalynn. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Summary: At the end of each day, they go home and talk. Except for the days when they don't. My own spin on the "lady chats over warm milk".
Chapter 1 - Of Parties and Betrayals Chapter 2 - Of Ornaments and Adjustments Chapter 3 - Of Décor and Miscommunication "You go and fetch our milk tonight. I can't go into the kitchen."