Mar 07, 2014 14:52
So with Adam's big announcement on the 19-date USA tour w/Queen, I have to wonder what that does with the longevity for his band? I truly appreciate how they may want to stay loyal to and play for Adam, and they probably wish him well on this opportunity; but how long can they exist on the occasional Adam gig (even with side gigs they may line up). I adore Adam and want only the best for him, but I also think his band is worthy. And I dont' think of them as a backup band, rather his band - just as he refers to them as "my" band.
Maybe I'm overthing this latest news (because it is totally great for Adam), and just treat it the same as his time on Glee and the few performances for charity with Chic....opportunities to branch out and show all his talents, while striving for more exposure. God knows the American entertainment scene has not given him the kind of recognition he has received on the international front. But...somehow...the Queen announcement feels "different".
Other perspectives, and info I may be missing, are welcome. I'm just trying to understand the bigger picture. Thanks all. Shirls