I am fucking depressed... It was the only thing I was sure it wouldn't happen, the first thing I ruled out when everyone had started freaking out about House's hallucinations. I trusted David Shore with all my heart to do this correctly. I believed that he wouldn't use his last year's idea, that he would want to try the real thing this time, because THAT my "friend" is a challenge, but nooooooooooooo.... He had to be an ass again... He had to destroy the most amazing season of House, the season that got me hooked for good, the season that made me spend this entire year on my computer screen looking for ANYTHING related to House, with this fucking finale! I knew I didn't like Doris Egan for a reason...
I don't care at the moment that House is in love with Cuddy and wants a serious relationship with her... And that's an awful thing of me to say... And DS is the only one to blame for that! I am here sitting on my couch, at a moment when I should be studying for my degree exam this weekend, crying and listening to that wonderful song by the legends Rolling Stones (OFFICIALLY the Huddy band now, the end!) "As tears go by", realizing that because of last night, I will never be able to watch my favourite House episode ever again now... And of course I am talking about "Under My Skin"... I can't watch it again... It's destroyed for me... And it's funny because I know that technically, everything is a lie, none of this is real, but... but on the show, EVERYTHING is real... except for the most amazing, touching moment House has ever had: him opening up to Cuddy, asking for her help, recognizing that she is the only one that truly knows him, telling her he needs her, learning from her that she was interested (possibly in love? we'll never know now...) in him for 20 years, thanking her for being there for him FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS FUCKING LIFETIME and then admitting to her that he ALWAYS WANTS TO KISS HER... AND DOING IT! Holding her, feeling her, kissing her... having her marked as his own, doing what he always wanted to do... EVERYTHING IS A LIE... a fricking hallucination!!!!
How can I not feel betrayed and depressed after this??? And WHY the FUCK wasn't Cuddy with him when he was admitted??? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY???????? Can someone answer me?? Someone with answers, with real answers, because right now I am in such a mental state that no words can express...
EDIT: Jesus Christ!!! A friend sent me the following that a House fan called Dr.IcemanGeorges from a greek House forum said and it totally killed me and brought me more tears to my eyes. Huddies, read... above all the sadness it might bring, it totally kills with its truth!
"Τί είναι το huddy sex μπροστά στον έρωτα, κυρίες μου? Υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη κατάκτηση για την cuddy από την άνευ όρων παράδοση του ίδιου του house και της ιδιοφυίας του στα χέρια της με αντάλλαγμα το χαμόγελό της, τα σημάδιά της, το κραγιόν της που θεραπεύουν τον πόνο του, τον ψυχικό και τον σωματικό? Αναρωτηθήκατε ποτέ πόσο πιο δυνατό και αληθινό και ωμό είναι αυτό το intentional delusion που τα vicodin γίνονται το κραγιόν της? ποιο huddy kiss και ποιο cuddy serenade, εδώ ο άνθρωπος αυταπατήθηκε την ευτυχία του στην αγκαλία της, υπάρχει άραγε milestone για το huddy πιο κολακευτικό από αυτό? Άρα λοιπόν ο shore μάλλον ξέρει τί κάνει ... Μόνο αυτός θα μετέτρεπε ένα νερόβραστο φιάσκο σε μία κολοσσιαία επιλογή αγάπης και επιβίωσης ... Δεν ξέρω αν θα αγαπήσει την cuddy όσο την stacy, ξέρω ότι ποτέ δεν εμπιστεύτηκε την αγάπη της όσο αυτήν της cuddy, ώστε να της χαρίσει το μυαλό του."
In English he says this: "What is Huddy sex in front of love, ladies? Is there a bigger conquer for Cuddy other than House's self and intellect's unconditional surrender to her hands in return to her smile, to her scars, to her lipstick that cure his pain, mentally and physically? Have you ever wondered how much more powerful and real and raw this intentional delusion is, that the vicodin turn into her lipstick? What huddy kiss and cuddy's serenade? The man totally delusioned his happiness in her arms, is there a more flattering milestone for Huddy than this? This means that shore probably knows what he is doing... He is the only one that would turn a soapy disaster into a major choice of love and survival... I don't know if he will ever love Cuddy as much as he loved Stacy, but I DO know that he never trusted her love so much as Cuddy's love that he would give her his mind..."
I AM DEAD!!! I am crying all over the place! I will never forgive DS for what he did to me, to all of us Huddy fans, especially if next year he doesn't deal with this disaster he created, but what this man said above.. NO WORDS DAMN IT!!!