‘Where Once Were Exit Wounds‘ perpetuates the Autoclav1.1 legacy with a stunning presentation of electronic works that truly captures the heart and soul of this Tympanik artist favourite.
While still absorbing praise from his critically-acclaimed 2008 release ‘
Love No Longer Lives Here‘ Autoclav1.1’s Tony Young reaches even deeper into his seemingly endless bag of talent to unleash a collection of work that will surely be hailed as his most promising venture to date.
‘Where Once Were Exit Wounds‘ is a visceral montage of complex beats, surging guitars, pulsating synthwork, and undying melodies, that will well exceed even the most ascertaining tastes, all the while exhibiting a flow of embracing atmospheres and lovely melodic breeziness that will encompass its listener with warmth and gentle adrenaline time and time again. Autoclav1.1 fearlessly interjects a powerful concoction of love, loss, and despair fueled by lathering electronic rhythms akin to a thoughtful drive accelerating almost uncontrollably along a distant country road on a warm summer night.
Get ready for the most engaging Autoclav1.1 album to date… ‘Where Once Were Exit Wounds‘ is available on compact disc with stunning artwork by Salt (Ant-Zen / Hymen) and outstanding audio mastering from Metarc on July 28th, 2009, only from Tympanik Audio…
1. When We Woke Up
2. Walk On Empty [
clip preview]
3. Taking Blood
4. Do You Feel Disposable? [
clip preview]
5. If Not Something, Anything
6. Tomorrow [
clip preview]
7. Falling Over Ghosts
8. These Walls Have Seen All
9. An Idiosyncratic Oath [
clip preview]
10. Those Opening Hours
11. Summer
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