i was just reading through my friends' page...and...i am speechless...
i cannot believe that that prayer i posted got such a reaction...
all i can say is that if you cannot handle something i have posted, do not post what you did...i am appalled...and i am hurt...to be honest with you...you and your friends were so extremely judgmental...and so hurtful...you have no right to make those assumptions about me...
i am a good person...and what i believe in is my prerogative...not yours...you have no right to tell me what i should believe in...none...i don't care how much older you are...and how much wiser you think you are...no matter what your beliefs are, i would never ever judge you or tell you that you are wrong, it is not my place and it is not my right...and do not tell me i am a bad person...i am sure my God will forgive me if i have done something to offend him...you are no one...
p.s. my God is not fluffy...thank you!