(no subject)

Oct 16, 2009 05:21

I think my alarm clock is starting to rebel.  After literally over a decade of being used (since early elementary school), I think it might be starting to sputter a bit.   When I work in the mornings, I usually set my phone alarm to go off 5 minutes before I have to be there, just to make sure I realize I need to be headed out the door.  Twice this past week, that's what woke me up.  But waking up 5 minutes before beats getting called 5 min late by the person wondering where I am.

Over the past weekend, The Wesley had their fall retreat.  We went down to Camp Chippewa which was about a 2 hour drive from Manhattan, which was a good distance.  Our focus on the weekend, other than just taking a time out from the craziness of life, was spiritual gifts.  It was really interesting for me, and definitely fruitful.  Unfortunately, at least from my experience, it seems like this subject either gets passed completely, or is just mentioned in passing instead of really digging in and fully grasping just how much can be done with what you're given.  For me, it was just an amazing wrap up of a good week.  The subject, along with other discussions it led to, was also just reaffirming as to my choice of major (yeah, I'm aware that is a horrible sentence, but it's 5:30am, and I haven't had much sleep yet).  However, it seems like all retreats or mission trips I go on have this 'return to normal' stage right after it.  Mine couldn't have been more real than walking back into my room to have the first thing I see be a vomit stain on my carpet... and then have my roommate lie to me about how it got there, when it happened, and why the heck he hadn't completely cleaned it up 12 hours after it happened.  It's not so much that he's a bad roommate, rather I just can't grasp what the heck is going through his mind at times, and why he has to play the 'military family' card so much.  Oh, I may not have said this before now...actually.  I'm now living on a community bath floor in the dorms.  My first 2 years (now I feel old...) up here I was in a suite, which was a lot of fun.  In an effort to get out of the past living situation smoothly, and to save some money, I moved across campus to this new style.  I actually really like it.  It's definitely more public than my prior experiences (which involved walking to my room at the end of the hall without passing a single open door), but I haven't had any problems getting studying done yet.  Sleep's not always the same, but my sleeping schedule is messed up enough it doesn't really effect me, I'll just pick up the time later.  Hopefully.

I'm so glad it's basically the weekend.  All I have left: 2 lectures.  One in a class I just took a test in, the other for history of rock and roll.  I think I'll make it through today without too much stress, which is a happy switch from the rest of the week.  The only bad thing about the retreat was no homework time (though it was also SO good not even thinking about it).  As a result, I had to skip a lecture Wednesday and a lab Thursday morning so that I could study for my physics 3 test and finish reading a book/prepare a presentation in Fable and Fantasy (over "Ombria In Shadow," if you were wondering).  I think both actually went well, which was fantastic because I did not prepare nearly well enough for either.  We'll see for sure next week, I suppose.  Alright, my shift is about done here, which is good motivation for my wandering mind to cease thinking.  Have a great weekend everyone!
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