Game of Thrones

May 12, 2014 12:45

We're a bit late to this party, but anyway..husband and I have been bingeing on Game of Thrones.
Rotten Tomatoes shows that 100% of audiences like it and about 98% of critics like it. We like it too, but mostly because we share the same cultural history and are having a whale of a time heckling the screen. We've found it difficult to engage with any particular character, and don't care much what happens to anyone. I love the way that fantasy has crossed to mainstream, like SF and superhero comics, and I hope that it continues. Surely Pern would be fantastic resource.
Stuff we say watching season 2 of GoT:

"He's a player character - he's not going to die."
On yet another gratuitous female nudity scene: "Pay close attention, husband - very important plot point here."
"Hai. My name is dead meat. Really? Then WHAT IS MY NAME? WHAT IS MY NAME???'
"Here we go. Showing How the Monster Works."
"Me Conan. UR woman."
"Hmmm... high DEX and STR but not much WIS. CHA high though so will get away with it."
"Yes, I'm a slave to the plot. I'm going to do nonsensical stuff to make it interesting and complicated."
"Pssst. Winter is coming. Did I mention that winter is coming? PS Winter is coming. Hi, Winter is coming. Hullo, Winter is coming. UH, WINTER IS COMING. GEDDIT??"
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