Nov 29, 2011 11:12
I think my smallest daughter was a saprophyte in a past life. At nearly 15 months age, her solid food intake is (this was yesterday, a typical day):
Breakfast: 3 mouthfuls of porridge
Lunch: 1 biscuit. 1 piece of chicken (1cm by 3cm). 1 piece of nectarine (same dimensions as the chicken).
Dinner: Half a water cracker.
Snacks: 1 piece of nectarine, same size as lunch.
Drinks: nil
In context, I offer her pretty much anything and everything, constantly. The healthier, the more likely the rejection, particulary if it is horrendously expensive (organic red quinoa, anyone?). In desperation, I have tried supermarket bread with smokey bbq sauce for dinner, since she seems to have a thing about smokey BBQ sauce. I was really happy on the weekend when she ate four chips at a cafe, since I knew that was going to be dinner. She spends at least half an hour in the high chair every meal time. I spend that time on my kness. In an emotional sense, not literally. Well, except for picking up the disdainfully tossed food.
She is right on the 50th percentile for weight and height - her solid food intake is about 100gms per day, hence saprophyte wonderings. Then I look at her breast feeding habits. One feed during daylight hours (11am). at least 5 feeds at night (730, 1000, 1200, 300, 500). Well, duh. No wonder mummy is turning to espresso (am) and drink (pm). Plus mainlining chocolate from 5pm onwards.
The key to it all is to stop the night breat feeding. We have had three goes at this, and spent three weeks each time listening to her go nuts in the cot for hour after hour, with no progress.