Jan 02, 2006 22:10
hey all. I liked sarahs list o' 2005, so I am copying it.
my life in the fifth year after the new millennium:
1 added major
2 haircuts
3 places I've called home
4 countries visited
5 weeks is my laundry record
6 days spent in florida
7 concerts attended
8 roses in my bridesmaid bouquet at megan's wedding (I think)
9 cds purchased
10 sporting events attended
11 minutes wasted trying to think of something involving 11
12 episodes of the office watched
13 times on the metro in spain
14 classes taken and passed
15 classes skipped
16 dishes purchased (my very first dishes!!)
17 movies seen in the theater
18 hours spent at dance or die
19 books read (that I can think of right now)
20 dollars paid in parking fines