Jun 06, 2004 23:29
Wow, I haven't updated my journal in the longest time. (must be Jenny's fault for not reminding me.) Let see, what are some of the interesting things that happened to me lately.
First of all, I finished tutoring java for a High School kid. Tomorrow is his final. I felt pretty bad taking the money from his mom just because I know it is hard earned money. I hope he does well on the final. Now, I think about it, I rather tutor math more than Java. :) All well, time to search for my next student. Anyone has any recommendations?
The other thing was that I now have a cat at my place. Thanks to one of my sister's co-worker, who abandoned her cat at North Cal to move to South Cal. Now, she wants me to take care of her cat for about 1 month before she decides on what she is going to do with it. I thought "No problem, how hard can taking a cat be?" Instead, I found out I was allergic to cats. I spend the day sneezing and with a sore eye. Now I have to think about how I can get rid of it. Not a very good experience. Would anyone wants to cat?
I went with Yin on a three day trip to Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria. To make the story short, we were treated like crap on this trip. (email me for details.. :P) Overall, it make me realize I still like California a lot more.
There is a Mariam Yeung concert that is going to be hold at Vancouver on July 3rd. I really wanted to go because one of my officemates know the drumer, which means he should be able to get front row seat and a backdoor pass. However, the airplane ticket is around 400 dollars, which is too expensive for either one of us to afford. =( So I guess no concert then...
As for work, it is still the same. One thing did changed however. The lunch area was divided into mulitple small offices because we were in need of offices. Now the lunchroom is much smaller than before, but at least now there are mulitple rooms so playing foosball doesn't seem to get as loud as before. =)
good night everyone.