Dec 29, 2003 22:48
I saw ROTk and wanted to fall asleep. I probably would have too if it wasn't for the fat guy behind me yelling advice to frodo. It had its moments but soooooo long. I woke up, went to AMC to see the movie and it was dark when I got out.
Holidays are over, how depressing.
Kings Play Chess On Fine Green Silk
You know you're a pathetic Christian when you can name the nine Reindeer but not the Apostles.
If you have a phobia of clowns you're coulrophobic. If you're afraid of falling satellites, you have keraunothnetophobia.
Chet Baker died of defenestration, he is my new hero.
While 47.38% of Americans can tell you Emma Lazarus wrote: "bring me your tired, you your; your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free," only 0.35% know the rest of her poem: "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to me: I lift my lamp besides the golden door."
That dent in the middle of your chest is called the Xiphisternum.
Great mind think alike but idiots seldom differ.
Famous Last Words (Oscar Wilde): Either the wallpaper goes or I do.