Oct 26, 2005 20:32
So this convention I'm attending in Hershey this weekend....
Yeah, I was just reading through the 21pg program ("Society of Teachers of Family Medicine: NorthEast Region") and in addition to offering a huge number of really cool seminars and workshops - which I know I won't have enough time to attend - this one seminar in particular caught my eye. "The Medical Marriage: Strategies to Promote Healthy Marital Relationships During Residency and Beyond" ....how freakin' great is that?!?!
Obviously, I'm definitely going to sit in on that one...I clearly need someone to tell me how to balance this doctoring gig with a normal life (one that includes someone other than myself). Besides, "healthy" relationships aren't exactly my forte!!!
I am going to get married in the next 5 years (7 max)...and it won't be to some lunatic who will then murder me. All the damn engagements lately are really starting to freak me out. If one more person I know gets engaged, I'm going to scream. Consider yourselves warned. That is all.