Personality: Kazu is generally pretty laid back. He doesn’t like picking fights with people unless they’re really asking for it. Most of the time he’s content with a bowl of cocoa puffs and a comfortable couch, but he can also get pretty grumpy as well. Kazu is protective of his younger twin, Chen, and doesn’t like to see him picked on. He’s also protective of women and young children. Though he seems to have a totally nonchalant character, he is a HUGE softie on the inside. He would give anything for a good relationship with someone, and he’s a real gentleman in reality. He’s the type of guy who would open the door for a woman or lay a coat down over a puddle. Unfortunately, Kazu has a violent temper. When he gets angry, he usually tries physical brawls as opposed to using magic. Kazu also has a terrifying fear of foxes (his boggart takes the form of a large fox).
Physical Description: Standing at about 5'10", Kazu is well built. He’s fit, but he’s not HUGE with muscle or anything. He’s lean as opposed to muscular. He has straight brown hair that reaches just past his chin. He styles it so that his bangs are in his face, just like Chen does. Though he and his brother look similar, he does have a different facial structure than Chen. His is more masculine, and he has more of a defined chin. He has broader shoulders, and he’s taller. Most of the time, Kazu has a bored or tired expression on his face. He also has a charming smile.
Future Body Model: Older Vic Zhou, or perhaps Jerry Yan
If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. Second character. I also play Chen Takurai.
Likes - at least 15: FOOD, video games, motorcycles, cars, sleeping, his family, Quidditch, exercise, sports, music (only a few types), electric guitar, movies, Christmas time, snow, Summer break, dancing (especially Dance Dance Revolution), belts, J-rock music and clothing
Dislikes - at least 15: cleaning, school, cooking, being bored, being hungry, pumpkin, homework, cowardice, boring music, getting up in the morning, shopping for long periods of time, foxes (very frightened by them), mind readers, when loved ones are in peril, confinement
Pet/Pet Name: He shares Totoro (an extremely obese cat) with his brother Broom: Cleansweep 7 Wand: Sturdy, Dragon heart string, mahogany, 12 inches
If your character is a student and they haven't taken either the OWLs or NEWTs yet, please just put their average grade. If your student hasn't taken a class listed, just put NA
OWL and/or NEWT scores: Transfiguration - A Herbology - D History of Magic - P Charms - E Astronomy - N/A Potions - A Muggle Studies - N/A Divination - P Care of Magical Creatures - O Ancient Runes - E Arithmancy - E Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.
List of classes for current year: Transfiguration Charms Potions Care of Magical Creatures Ancient Runes Arithmancy Defense Against the Dark Arts
Physical Description: Standing at about 5'10", Kazu is well built. He’s fit, but he’s not HUGE with muscle or anything. He’s lean as opposed to muscular. He has straight brown hair that reaches just past his chin. He styles it so that his bangs are in his face, just like Chen does. Though he and his brother look similar, he does have a different facial structure than Chen. His is more masculine, and he has more of a defined chin. He has broader shoulders, and he’s taller. Most of the time, Kazu has a bored or tired expression on his face. He also has a charming smile.
Preferred Body Model: Vic Zhou from f4
Future Body Model: Older Vic Zhou, or perhaps Jerry Yan
If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.
Second character. I also play Chen Takurai.
Likes - at least 15: FOOD, video games, motorcycles, cars, sleeping, his family, Quidditch, exercise, sports, music (only a few types), electric guitar, movies, Christmas time, snow, Summer break, dancing (especially Dance Dance Revolution), belts, J-rock music and clothing
Dislikes - at least 15: cleaning, school, cooking, being bored, being hungry, pumpkin, homework, cowardice, boring music, getting up in the morning, shopping for long periods of time, foxes (very frightened by them), mind readers, when loved ones are in peril, confinement
Pet/Pet Name: He shares Totoro (an extremely obese cat) with his brother
Broom: Cleansweep 7
Wand: Sturdy, Dragon heart string, mahogany, 12 inches
OWL and/or NEWT scores:
Transfiguration - A
Herbology - D
History of Magic - P
Charms - E
Astronomy - N/A
Potions - A
Muggle Studies - N/A
Divination - P
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Ancient Runes - E
Arithmancy - E
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.
List of classes for current year:
Care of Magical Creatures
Ancient Runes
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Alignment: Definitely anti-Voldemort
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