just when you thought it couldn't happen again...or didn't want it to

May 23, 2005 21:41

SO here goes my monthly update.

The past couple weeks I have been on a Sex and the City marathon. Each night I watch a couple episodes and drink a couple beers. It is very relaxing. and I'm almost done with season 6!

I have exactly 24 days until I'm at my new branch! I'm so excited. I was in wal-mart the other day and saw the "Coming Soon.." sign. I peeked in =) Its going to be nice! and even nicer with my FAVORITE old asst mgr as my NEW FAVORITE mgr! The weekend of our opening is the weekend of the drunk BBQ with the old branch crew...I can't wait for that either! I miss them all.

I've been thinking a lot about the relationship I have with Dan..and basically came to the conclusion that it's perfect. As I was browsing IM profiles the other day, a friend had this quote in her's..

"Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when
you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,
or will stay awake just to watch you sleep...wait for the boy who kisses your
forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who
holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without
makeup on, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky
he is to have you...the one who turns to his friends and says...thats her."

I read it line for line and compared it to Dan..and he's that guy, LITERALLY!
-He calls me gorgeous everytime I talk to him.
-I've never hung up on him..never had a reason..so I can't relate to that one.
-We got ice cream and laid in the park one night until 2 in the morning looking at stars.
-Last weekend he told me that he wanted me to fall asleep first so that he can kiss me good night when I don't know it...and told me that i had to stay because it would make his morning to wake up next to me.
-He called me one day when I was at the gym and told me to come over when I was done to watch the game with him and the guys...I refused because I was sweaty and IN SWEATS, with NO MAKEUP..and he didn't care, he said "I'm sure your at pretty as any other day"
-He DOES hold my hand in front of his friends...and he kisses me..and he hugs me..and he respects me!
-and last but not least...the first time i went to his apt, his roomate and some friends were there and I walked in and before Dan could even introduce me, his roomate looked at me and said, "you must be Kristi (then gave me a hug)" and i was like "yes". and then he looked to dan and said "she is just as pretty as you said".

OK IS HE NOT PERFECT?? ahh i just can't get over it.

anyways..changing subjects...So all the girls got together for Meghan's bday a couple weekends ago and it was the best night ever. it was spent just like old times..drinking, dancing, reminising. I miss them all and love them more than anything. i wish time didnt have to change things. we gave meg her bday present and she cried...so of course we all did too. it's really crazy how we all have grown up..how life is becoming so much more important, its not all about high school drama and which guy you have sex with last night. its about work and motherhood and love. and it makes me happy that through it all we are all still amazingly good friends. =)

so i have a new work friend! i'm sad though that we finally got a new cool person at the branch and i'm leaving. thank god for email and weekends! she totally reminds me of myself..we gossip all day lol

went to the Sun's game with my brother the other night. both matt and my dad said i can't go again because everytime i do, they loose. =( haha the night was filled with funny conversations with Rex Chapman, Steve Nash's brother and the drunk nobody behind me.

wellllllll i could go on all night about my new love life haha but I won't bore you.
plus, i have to get back to my sex and beer =)

once my life contains some more excitement, i will update again!
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