been thinkin...

Jan 11, 2005 19:38

wow where to start?

so the past couple days have seriously been the best...except for the fact i got pink eye and strep throat.
thursday and saturday i went out with ashley..saturday it was a buncha girls. went to a couple parties...saw some people from high school who i hated...but we hugged, talked, it was like nothing ever happened. how we all have grown up! ran into others who i need to call more often...sorry!
sat i woke up at ashleys and felt like shit (it was the pink eye and strep)..told the girls i was leaving and talked to her mom out front for forever. i cant tell u how much this brings me back to sophomore year. in a good way. for the past 3 years i have missed out on such an awesome friendship. i mean thursday was the 1st time ash and i hung out in the last 3 years, yet i told her everything. like we've already caught up with our lives. and i trust her. we just drove around for hours and talked. like we used to (except not in the van =( haha) wow. amazing..i cant even tell you.
its like an apifany (haha NO IDEA how to spell that). like all of a sudden i have no worries, no troubles to ponder and nobody to dislike for stupid high school reasons.

to another aspect of my life. theres one person that i think i havent been the best of a friend to. and yeah its part my fault..but not ALL my fault. i guess i just wanted to say i'm sorry. i'm a strong person and i know that i can be there for u as a friend and still make a life of my own with other friends. theres no reason that i have to exclude you from my life, especially after u were a major part of it for soo long. so as i told you, i'm going to try. just know that i need my space to. its not going to be like it used to..but its also not going to be like it has been for the past month. promise. and thanks for everything..

kayla and i are going to move out. haha seriously. we're looking at apartments on saturday. we figured we could just get a 6 month lease and then by the end of that candace will be ready to move out with us and we can get a bigger place.

work is still going good. we have a new manager who i think will work out just splendid. she seems really cool.

still sticking to the new years resolution. being sick has kinda put a plug on it, but that wont last for long.

i think im gonna go shopping tomorrow.
my favorite sex and the city quote: "If I don't stop shopping, I'll end up a bag lady; a Fendi bag lady, but a bag lady..... "

well yea thats about it. ill post pics later...kinda tired, gonna go take a nice long bath before my friend brings over movies and milkshakes =)
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