feeling happy! (:

Aug 24, 2008 01:02


I'm totally picked up from the downs of yesterday! hehe..

i dunno y but ya.. jus feel alot of joy within me.. alot of happiness.. contentment.. just yay-ly happy1

just feel liek skipping around my house.. and jumping everywhere..

that much joy within me..


woke up to the bombardment of my inbox with MMS-es, messages.. and it chased away the dark clouds of yesterday! entirely entirely grateful! (:

went for rehearsals again today.. and man.. it was supposed to be angry scenes but i just couldnt get angry.. i just feel so happy.. hahhaha.. like there's nothing for me to be angry about.. i feel like life's really good.. after the bombardment of inbox.. i really tot .. heyyy. . im so blessed.. so .. dont let such things get me down.. so yep.. felt really happie.. and just couldnt channel any anger at all from within.. hahahhaa.. den the director tried a method. .asked the girls to surround me and scold me really nasty things.. but i just kept laughing! hahhaa.. it was funny.. lol! i duno la.. just not angry lor..



i tink the word here is contentment..

i tink im vvv contented with the way life is now..

my family..

my friends..

my studies..(hehe.. though it hasnt really started)

just my life in general..

i just feel really really blessed that im in this family .. that i have such friends around me.. that im coping with studies.. it's just really great..

im truly grateful for all the blessings in my life now.. (:


just went for nai gong a.k.a eric's bday party.. met up with kaja again! (: and just felt really good too! hahhaha.. like yay-ness all over again!

ya.. indescribable happiness from within! hahahhaa..


i also dunno y .. hahhaha..

just love love everyone around me! the circles im in! (: (: (:

i agree that  it is possible for money to buy happiness.. but there are just some things that money cant buy..

and the happiness im feeling.. is something that money definitely cannot buy!

yepppp!! (:

off to bed soon! hahahha..

hope everyone is happy happy too!

but on another note.. have to really really practise my acting le! =( like alot of tings not natural. .so ya.. have to buck up! less den 1 mth to go.. stress stress! other than this. .everything is reallie woo hoo-ing! (:

kaja, random

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