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Jul 22, 2011 18:00

  • 23:41 Changing my Twitter profile pic to see if it gets me more followers... ...ReddySetGo... #
  • 08:23 @ jamesisjim No... ...You can not... ...It got me six new followers overnight... ...Hehehe... ...Suckers... #
  • 08:24 Hello World... ...Just woke up Red haired and bushy tailed... ...What will the world challenge me with today???... #
  • 08:25 @ jamesisjim Try changing you profile pic to a girl... ...Kinda works... #
  • 08:38 @ jamesisjim I don't either... ...Just wanted to see what would happen if I changed my profile pic... #
  • 08:52 @ jamesisjim Maybe... ...I'll see how the current pic works... #
  • 09:19 I'm at Safeway Springvale #
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