confronting the Queen: aka, that's your plan? Really?

Sep 09, 2008 12:43

Need more reasons to loathe Sarah Palin? Of course you don't! But anyway, I try to get the word around when I encounter yet another creepy underground manifestation of psychotic Dominionist conspiracies: your concise guide to Third Wave Christianity, now with still more spiritual warfare! This time, instead of all non-evangelical Christians in general, they hate me in particular, which always just makes it feel more special.

A takeaway quote, for those of you who don't click links. This is Ana Mendez, who helped organize a Third Wave "prayer expedition" to the top of Mt. Everest, which she credits with causing a major avalanche. This sounds kind of bad and scary to you and me, but apparently it took out the prayer flags that people of other religions traditionally leave on Everest, so I guess that was the point? Seems excessive, but you know how God likes the grand gesture, except when He doesn't. Anyway, Ana Mendez:

"Since then, we have seen millions come to faith in Asia. ... Within two weeks of the expedition, other things happened which I believe are also connected: the huge fire in Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation; an earthquake destroyed the basilica of Assisi, where the Pope had called a meeting of all world religions; a hurricane destroyed the infamous temple 'Baal-Christ' in Acapulco, Mexico [btw, that place is so famous that when I Googled it, eleven hits came up, all in reference to this quote; does anyone know where the hell she's talking about?]; Princess Diana died, a representative of the British throne, to which Sir Edmund Hillary dedicated Mount Everest; and Mother Theresa died in India, one of the most famous advocates of Mary as Co-Redeemer."

Dead infidels for the scorecard, yay! This is the kind of thing that makes me want to literally spit in the face of everyone who tells me that the problem with us liberals is that we endorse a "culture of Death" rather than the conservative Christian "culture of Life."

Not that I particularly want to get into a dick-slapping contest with these people, but honestly? If they decide their grand hobbyhorse needs to be this "confronting the Queen of Heaven" business, then you know what, good fucking luck to them. They're not the first to try it, and as they've noticed, She's still here. These fringe-of-the-fringe wackjobs think they can pray down Oya and Oshun and Yemaya -- Diana and Demeter and Athene -- Durga and Laksmi and Kali -- Kwan Yin and Ameterasu and Tara -- Hathor and Isis and Innana -- Freyja and Brigid and the Morrighan -- Sophia and Shekinah and Sancta Maria herself? Knock yourselves out, y'all. Seriously, you do not scare me on the spiritual front -- only at the polls.
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