So I've been doing this weird thing, since last we met (Dear Readers): I've been on hiatus from fandom.
Seriously, I know nothing. I've not logged into livejournal in months. I've read no fic. I've written nothing. I'm totally out of the loop, except for occasional reports from the field from
marythefan, who's been busy arriving late to the bandom party. (I continue to find its siren call quite easy to resist.)
In the meantime, I've been doing other stuff. I've traveled a little -- to a pagan festival, to see
linabean, to the beach. I've caught some television that I'd foolishly put off seing (OMG, HOW DID ANYONE NOT TELL ME HOW FUCKING AWESOME THE OFFICE IS? Okay, fine. Everyone told me.) I've read many books. I've even taken up handspinning -- seriously! I make yarn now!
It's been kind of nice. Fandom has been such a huge part of my life for twelve years now that I feel like I needed a sabbatical. And now I feel like it's the first day of school -- s4 DVDs are out, s5 starts tonight! I have my shiny new notebooks, new shoes, excitement, and dread! Also, the odd thing is that lately it's like we're having some kind of strange Summer of Fandoms Past -- everything old is new again for me!
The X-Files is back -- WHO KNEW? I'm psyched about the movie, even though I'm carefully harboring low expectations. As long as they do *something* right, I'll be happy. Come on Carter -- you can meet that bar!
The Jossverse chugs along with the comic books, which are going so overall well that I didn't even grind my teeth too hard when the last issue turned out to contain lots and lots of Kennedy. Though, Xander, man -- has anyone in the history of fiction ever needed a hug more than this dude? He's like a flippin' Tom Fontana hero at this point. Also, Joss' cracky comic book/musical/webisode/short film Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is due to arrive any time now, and he'll be back on tv (Teacher! Mother! Secret lover!) at midseason with the creepy-as-fuck-looking Dollhouse. It's nice to love something that I feel I can have *high* expectations for.
Due South, you say? Well, not so much with the return-of, but TWoP just gave it
an enthusiastic shout-out, inluding calling Victoria's Secret "two of the most sinuous hours you'll ever see." I'm not entirely sure what "sinuous" means in this context, but if it means fucking awesome, they're so very right. Also, Callum continues to make one badass, sexy, grizzled Cylon. Paul Haggis continues to be a Scientologist, but it's an imperfect world.
And do you know what else comes back tonight?
(That was a SPOILER cut, in case it isn't obvious. SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER.)
What the hell, I'm psyched for season 5.
I have no strong feelings about Woolsey, but then, I never felt like the show made the role of the Person in Charge very significant anyway, so I'm cool with not having much reaction there. I'm kind of stoked, I guess, that Carson has several episodes, although honestly it just makes firing him at all look *that much more* utterly without point. Hey, if they wanted to make Ronon and Rodney fight over someone, why shouldn't it just have been Carson, instead of doe-eyed faux-Carson? Well, it makes sense to me, anyway.
(Also, btw, I so totally told you so about setting up a love triangle there. Everyone was like, no, no, that isn't foreshadowing at all! And I
was so very very right about this very very poor idea.)
Anyway, they've promised me more Ronon torture, which is like the one thing I count on them to do once a year, and relatively well. I'm pretty fucking ticked off that we don't get the scene they promised us with Ronon cutting his hair short, which sounds like it would've been beautifully painful, and also he's so hot with the shorter hair. (Speaking of, has anyone made shareable icons of Jason with his actual-factual haircut? I kind of feel like it would be a Statement to use one as my new default, and also, so, so hot.) But no, apparently the audience is too stupid to find Ronon in a crowd except by his hair, which is a pretty great summary statement about how seriously TPTB take the character, the actor, and all of us, all rolled into one. At least this time it appears to be someone's fault other than the writers, so...yay.
They've also promised us a veritable parade of potentially recurring hot chicks, which I guess is supposed to either attract more boys to the show or prove to us that they're totally not sexist at all, they love the ladies! Well, I love the ladies, too, so hey, I'm ready for it. Convince me. (On a related note, though I've never been much of an Amanda Tapping fan, the previews of Sanctuary blew me the fuck away. Holy shit! I hope that's half as good as it looks, and not just another low-rent Witchblade/Birds of Prey/Highlander:Raven debacle that's creatively bankrupt once you scratch the hot-chicks-fighting-monsters surface.)
Oh, and in case you want to find out (or just reminisce! *g*) what I thought of the last few seasons, I have a
complete listing of the SGA episodes I've lj'd about in the past. Now when people say, "Why do you hate the show so much?" instead of explaining that A) I don't hate the show at all and 2) not for lack of reasons to hate it, however -- I can just send them there! *g*
So, fandom...have I missed anything unmissable in the last few months?