A Little Bit of an AU (2)

Jun 17, 2012 12:26

Summary: A world where John sends Sam and Dean to stay with Crowley, and a world where angels are pets.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Crowley, Castiel, Balthazar, Gabriel
Pairings: Crowley/Castiel, Unrequited Dean/Castiel, Dean/Balthazar
Wordcount: 3584
Warnings: Angels as pets, multiple mentions of sex

Part 1 is here.
Castiel huddled on the sofa, wrapped in two of Crowley’s shirts. Their guardian had gone on a weekend business trip, leaving Dean in charge.
He didn’t often have to go anywhere, mostly sticking home and working from his computer, but apparently this conference was quite important.
Crowley couldn’t take Cas, usually. The angel didn’t do well without his master, keeping Crowley’s shirts tight around him and taking in their scent.
Sam was staying at the Harvelle’s for the night. He loved Jo and Ash, and Ellen too, so he stayed with them now and again.
Jo and Ash stayed at theirs sometimes, but Jo didn’t like Crowley much - even though Dean was pretty sure Ash would give up even his precious computer to chat to Crowley for a few hours.
Dean settled on the other sofa, and for a moment, Cas stayed as he was. Then he shot to Dean, giving a little mewl before burying his head in the crook of Dean’s neck, trembling.
Dean swallowed. This wasn’t like Sam. Not like Sam at all. This felt /good/. Castiel curled a leg over Dean’s, his wings curving inwards to cover Dean’s chest.
“It’s OK, Cas.” Dean murmured, stroking through Cas’ hair in a calming way even though he kind of wanted to kiss him.
The angel started sobbing. Dean winced, and held him tighter.
When the door opened, and Crowley came in, Castiel had drifted into a fitful sleep, curled tightly around Dean like a squid. Dean had fallen asleep too, his head dropping down to rest atop Cas’.
Crowley stared at the two of them for a moment, plainly amused. Then, he moved forward, gently extricating Cas’ limbs from Dean’s and carrying the angel to bed, setting him down gently on the mattress. The angel gave a little mewl, still asleep, and snuggled into the pillow.
Crowley shook Dean awake, and the boy blinked up at him, eyes bleary.
“Go to bed, Dean. Thank you for looking after Cas.” Dean nodded slowly.
“S’okay. He cried a lot. Missed you.”
Crowley looked sad, at that. “He does tend to sob. You helped him though.” He murmured, quietly. “Off to bed now.”
Dean nodded, too tired to argue.
Time passed pretty quickly, really. Dean started to see Cas… A little different. It was weird, but he’d kinda figured out the /real/ point of angels.
At sixteen, Castiel had matured well. He was thin, lightly muscled at Crowley’s behest, and fairly tall. Next to Crowley, anyway.
He was pretty, too. Blue-eyed with such a lovely mouth and the curves of his jaw were to die for. 
Dean wanted Cas. Fuck, but he wanted an angel. He knew what angels were for, now. 
He’d tried to tempt the other boy. Jerked off with the door a little open when Crowley and Sam went to the freaking farmer’s market. Castiel had just flushed and ran into the room he and Crowley shared.
Crowley had fucked him. Dean knew it. When Cas was fifteen he’d /begged/ for it. Dean had heard him through the walls.
Cas had begged so pretty for cock. Even Crowley’s.
Dean tried to tease in other ways. Wore tight shirts and jeans, began to work out. He got muscles.
Didn’t work. It only got raised eyebrows and chuckles from his guardian.
John had died years back, so Crowley was all they had, now. Crowley liked Sam and Dean, he could tell. He treated them as sons.
Sam had a college fund. Dean had a car fund.
Dean had laughed at that. But then, parts for the ‘67 Chevy Impala his dad had left him weren’t cheap.
But Dean wanted someone trembling, quivering beneath him, begging for /his/ fingers, /his/ cock. 
It was a last resort.
But he /wanted/.
So, he tried kissing Castiel. Pressed him against the wall and tried to blow his mind.
Cas had whimpered and turned his head away. Dean hated it. He knew Crowley had ordered him not to even look at anyone else, let alone reciprocate a kiss.
“Castiel told me something last night, Dean.” Crowley sounded annoyed, his tone terse. Fucking possessive dick.
“Yeah?” Dean looked up from his laptop.
“Don’t be so cruel to the boy, Dean. You know he won’t melt. Leave him be. I had him on my lap in tears, because he thinks it’s his fault, that he disobeyed orders, that he should be punished!” Crowley growled out. “He withers when he’s ashamed, Dean, and I hate it.”
“Which is why,” Crowley murmured, after a considerable pause. “I’ve decided you should get your own angel. And one for Sam too, but more as a companion.” Dean looked up, shocked.
“Crowley, no, it’s OK; they’re real expensive and I’m sorry-“
“No, Dean. Besides, they’re angels you don’t know. I wouldn’t worry about yours being too much yet.”
Dean stared.
“Yeah, but they’re exp-“
“I sha’n’t hear another word, Dean.”
Crowley stood and left the room, and Dean heard Castiel’s footsteps on the floor and the sound of him barrelling into his master.
Castiel lived for Crowley. Would Dean ever have someone devoted to him like that?
Balthazar, the angel Crowley had got for him, was not really what Dean would ever have expected.
Castiel’s brother, but he didn’t look the same at all, just like Gabriel, who was Sam’s, looked different to both of them.
And Balthazar wasn’t meek like Cas was. Balthazar swore and sprawled across both Dean and the bed and he tackled Dean and teased him.
This wasn’t what angels were supposed to be like. Dean loved it.
Balthazar whined if Dean didn’t fuck around with him. Honest to fuck /whined/, and constantly complained. And if that didn’t work, the angel teased. Drawled out promises and draped himself over Dean, pressing kisses along his jawline and leaving slight stubble burn. 
Dean liked that, too.
He supposed it wasn’t all that usual to bottom for angels, or to let them take charge. But Dean didn’t really care - Balthazar fucking him was awesome.
Balthazar was on Dean’s lap. Dean still wasn’t really sure how the angel managed to fold himself up enough to fit, but he did. 
He had his face buried in Dean’s shoulder, breathing deeply and purring like a cat. Balthazar had said scent was quite important to angels, and that when Dean was close like this, Balthazar felt warm and good and content.
Castiel was lying on the other sofa, his head nestled in Crowley’s lap as his master read. Cas had his eyes closed, but Dean didn’t think he was asleep because whenever Crowley stoked over his feathers the angel made little noises.
Gabriel had curled into a tight ball next to Sam on the floor. He didn’t like to be cuddled much, Dean noticed. He didn’t mind when Sam petted through his hair, but mostly he preferred active, reciprocal touching.  
Sam loved Gabriel already, Dean could see. Gabriel would make jokes and tackle Sam at random and he had this odd obsession with candy.
He was smart, too, but regularly demanded that Sam read aloud to him. At least he was happy.
They all were.

character: gabriel, character: castiel, character: sam winchester, character: dean winchester, fic, pairing: dean/balthazar, fandom: supernatural, character: crowley, pairing: crowley/castiel, au, character: balthazar

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