Jan 01, 2005 14:42
hey guys/gals
well it has been a while...hope all of ya'll had an awesome Christmas...i just read somebody's journal... it was really disturbing... oh well...i'll get over it...i can't wait until we go to Disney World! i am so excited...oh and guess what!!! a certain friend( i don't know if she wants a lot of people to know) might be coming to Hewitt next year! yay!!! well i haven't really been doin a lot lately... just chillin... Thursday i had a wrestling thing to work ( cuz i am a mat maid )and i swear the guys from the other schools are so perverted and rude... i mean u would think that they had never seen a girl at one of their matches..i'm just glad that our hewitt guys are not like that and actually have some class...anyway i am off my soap box now.hee hee...well i guess i had better go...ttyl! God Bless!!!