Fandom Meme

Jun 15, 2009 23:03

MEME: Comment and I'll list three of your fandoms. Then you answer the following questions for each fandom.

01. What first got you into this fandom?
02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03. Favourite episodes/book/films/etc.
04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)?

I was given Spider-Man, Smallville, Chuck and The Big Bang Theory by deludedvision and mrsvc.


01. What first got you into this fandom? I got the DVD of Spider-Man 2 and watched the ending 20 minutes about 50 times. I started to dream about what would happen next, and went online to see if there was any news about the next movie. I discovered and the rest was history.

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I've been in it since 2005, so I'm thinking yes, as long as there are versions of the character being done in ways I like. I've moved from movie, to comics, to animated fandom and still love it.

03. Favourite episodes/book/films/etc. Spider-Man 2 (movie), Ultimate Spider-Man (comic), and Spectacular Spider-Man (animated)

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)? It was my first fic fandom, and I'm still writing it. I started making icons in Season 2 of Spectacular Spider-Man. I feel like there are very few creators in the animated fandom, though. I wish more people would get into it! Maybe after Season 2 FINALLY airs in the U.S. it will pick up.


01. What first got you into this fandom? I was living in Japan when Season 1 began in 2001. A friend at church told me about it, and since I'd been a fan of the Superman movies and Lois and Clark (the first fandom I read fanfic for, though I didn't know that's what it was until I started writing in 2005), I decided to try it. I downloaded the first eps (it had been on for a couple months) and was immediately hooked. I didn't start reading fic, though, until 2005, which nicely coincided with Lois arriving on the show. :)

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I'll be there as long as the show is on, I suspect.

03. Favourite episodes/book/films/etc. I tend to like the canon anvil episodes. In Season 8, my favorite was "Infamous."

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)? I write Smallville fic off and on - almost always Clois.


01. What first got you into this fandom? I heard about it from others, who were watching it before Heroes came on. I didn't start then, because it conflicted with How I Met Your Mother (which I've watched from the pilot). I picked it up during the Writers' Strike, and fell in love.

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? I'll be with it until the end, and possibly longer, depending on how the show ends.

03. Favourite episodes/book/films/etc. Tonight's #chuckmemondays ep, "Chuck vs. The Tango" is one of my faves! But 2.21 "Chuck vs. the Colonel" and 2.22 "Chuck vs. the Ring" are my top episodes. I still have them on my iPod and watch bits regularly.

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)? I started writing fic for the last Porn Battle, but I didn't get serious until post-Season 2. I also have made a few icons, which I'll post in my next icon batch.


01. What first got you into this fandom? I watched a couple of eps here and there before How I Met Your Mother and thought it was cute. But the amazing "The Failure of Einstein's Universe" opened my eyes to Sheldon/Penny.

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on? This fandom rocks! I have never been so excited by the output, cohesiveness and awesomeness of a group of fans! (You know I love the Super-Family, but we definitely have our cliques.) I'm getting to know the active members of the sheldon_penny comm pretty well, and feel honored that the mods include me so much in discussions and squee. I'll be here a good long while.

03. Favourite episodes/book/films/etc. My favorite is "The Panty Pinata Polarization." I love the antagonism between Sheldon and Penny. She's the only one who never backs down from Sheldon's wackadoodle ways.

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fiction, graphics, discussion)? Just like Chuck, I started with a Porn Battle fic. It was well-received, but I've never had any really good multi-chapter ideas for them. So I make icons like crazy. And even though they aren't the best-made in the fandom, people still like them and use them. It makes me happy. ♥

chuck, spider-man, meme, big bang theory, smallville

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