May 12, 2009 20:39
It makes me upset when my students lie to me about stupid stuff. This kid today lied to me about something really stupid. This kid, D, told me he had left his project in his locker. D went to go get it, came back 2 minutes later empty handed. Then told me he may have left it in another teachers room, Sarah. I sent him down there with express instructions to not disturb class and be as polite as possible. He came back a few minutes later, empty handed and told me that Sarah had thrown it out because she didn't know who it belonged to. Hmmmmmm. I looked at him and said "D, I wish I could believe you, but you and I both know we've had problems with you telling the truth before". D, on other occasions has stolen markers from a teacher and lied about how they got into his locker, and how they got into our classroom. Every time he hasn't turned an assignment in on time, he says he turned it in and we lost it. Right. We don't lose papers. They go in one bin when they are turned in, and another when they are graded. We NEVER take papers home.
So I see Sarah at lunch, and ask her about it. Not only did she not throw any papers away or anything that looked remotely like what they were working on in my class (which she knew about becuase we planned this lesson together), D never even came into her room. As if I wouldn't ask Sarah about it. give me a break. So he'll get a zero. As will the student that tried to use his notes on a quiz because he "didn't know any of it". I just do NOT put up crap like that.
My presentation went really well today. I"m glad its done because I could not care less about it. It was annoying to have to do it, and now it is done and I can put it beind me.
Tomorrow we are having nachos for dinner (Kate's favorite thing to eat when Sean is out of town; he is TDY at a class this week) and watching a foreign film whose name I've forgotten. Mimi is going to come over so it will be a girl's night in of sorts. Thursday I'm making baked ziti which I LOVE to make because no matter what random veggies I put in it, it turns out well.