May 16, 2004 22:43
I saw the movie Troy today. Brad Pitt was awesome. Brad Pitt is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The movie, on the other hand, was not the best movie I have ever seen. They messed up the story. This is annoying because it is a story that has been told for centuries and people all over the world know. How can you just change it like that? It's not just some book a guy wrote recently and then sold the rights to make more money. This is the story of Troy. Everyone knows what a Trojan horse is and who Helen of Troy is. How can people just change that? It's not theirs to change. I guess there is nothing that can be done about it because it's all centered around money. They needed to change the story because they felt they were improving on it. I guess it just wasn't good enough the way it was for a movie.
I also went to the beach today and that was no good. Myndi and I got pelted by sand, my second time in 3 days. I got to see Ryan today too, he went the movies with Myndi, Brandon, and I, but we still have the most messed up relationship in the history of the world. I am seriously thinking about calling him and telling him that we shouldn't see each other any longer. If I wasn't so dang tired, I probably would. But as it stands, I'd like to put it off for as long as possible so I'll go to sleep instead. Goodnight.
P.S. Another one of my friends got engaged over the weekend. Thats three so far. I don't even have a boyfriend. Anyway, Congratulations to you, Sista! (Delta What FOREVER)