Nov 16, 2007 08:48
and im sorry there hasnt been a post here in forever and a day but i have a xanga....and a blog....and im in europe so ALL of those things come first
and now you dont even get an update if you are reading this, you are gonna get a rant, a wonderful rant about how nobody likes me, everybody hates me and i guess ill just go eat some fucking worms. i know thats not true but im just sick of being the third wheel. everywhere i go get left behind, even if its just walking, that makes me feel loved and wanted. i cant go anywhere with my best friend b/c she just ends up talking about a boy who she wont date and how he frustrates her and i just want to say THEN STOP HANGING OUT WITH HIM ALL THE FUCKING TIME maybe if you werent so close, you wouldnt be so frustrated. and maybe if he sucked up his hatred for the world, hed have more friends (but hes a different rant post alltogether....this ones about me dammit!)
today i found out someone purposefully wanted to ditch me...why i dont know and right now, even tho im sick and need to rest i feel ditched and its a lonely feeling, being left behind and unwanted
it would be nice to go home or see the faces of the people i miss and be able to hug them. im just so sick of seeing the same faces everyday and being afraid to bring things up that may cause a fight just becuase ill have to deal with them for another three weeks and that would be awkward.
dont treat me like i am beneath you, dont speak to me as if i am a child. i am sorry i dont unterstand things as quickly as you do, but there are many things i can do that you dont do as often do i make fun of you for those things? respect me. is that too much to ask for? calm down, dont get angry at every little thing it makes it so that when you really are doesnt even seem like you are .
we clearly need to talk
**rant over, you can return to your normal lj readinsgs now**