Dec 30, 2012 11:39
Seeing the parked car in her rear view mirror she had no idea who it may be, after all the only people who knew where she was were Dr. Walkins and Don.
Getting out of the car to see who the stranger was she was shocked to see it was Jack.
He got out of the car carrying a flask and a baseball bat, he looked unstable on his feet and out of his mind.
“Meryl I knew I’d find you here.”
Deciding her best option was to play along and follow his lead, there was no way he knew that she had regained her memory, after all no one knew yet since she hadn’t called anyone since waking up from her dream.
“Jack what are you doing here?”
Still playing his games he took it one step further in his attempt to convince her that she should be with him and not Don, “I ran into Don in the city and he mentioned you were here, taking some time to get yourself together.”
Meryl knew he was lying as Don hated Jack and would never confide in him about Meryl or anything else for that matter.
“So you offered to come all the way up here and check on me?”
Feeling secure in the belief that she had bought his story, even though she had no way of knowing that Jack had several friends in rather seedy places and had one of them bug Don’s cell phone, which was how he had tracked Meryl down in Maine. Upon arriving at the property he spotted the guard that Don had placed there and blitzed him with the base ball bat so they would be uninterrupted “Yeah, even though Don didn’t seem concerned about it I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of you up here by yourself.”
While she had recalled a majority of her memories regarding Don and their kids she hadn’t yet remembered her history with Jack or anyone else for that matter.
She was beginning to feel that sense of discomfort she almost always felt whenever she was alone with Jack. Despite all of the steps he took to derail her sanity and the small sense of self worth she had left, there were moments when she trusted him, more than she would like to admit. Yet looking at him in the new light she had since regaining a bulk of her memories she felt only uncomfortable, not feeling even a glimmer of trust she once believed she had felt when it came to him.
After standing out in the cold with Jack for what felt like hours she finally had the courage to get to the point and ask him what his plans were now that he knew she was okay, hoping he’d get the hint and leave her alone.
However what he said next would leave her truly stunned. “Well since you are out her all alone and I have nowhere to be how would you feel about me keeping you company?”
Not wanting to tip her hand just yet, and still trying to figure out what his intentions were she decided to play along. She knew she didn’t trust him but what she didn’t know was why. He was obviously determined to sway her feelings and play with what he thought was her fragile memory and since she was feeling more stable than she had in months she decided to give him just enough rope and maybe he would hang himself with it.
“Okay why don’t you come on in? Let me shut the garage door and you go ahead and park your car.”
Seeing as his car was still parked in a way that virtually had her barricaded she was hoping her words would make him park his car in a more civilized way. Not feeling as though she were in danger with him but not wanting to take the chance in case she was wrong.
Walking to the garage she was happy to see that he had followed her advice and parked his car enough of a distance from the garage and in a position that would grant her just enough space to leave should the tide turn while they had their discussion.
Once inside she offered to make some tea, thinking it would give her an excuse to go to the kitchen alone and use the cell phone that was kept underneath the middle island counter that was in there to get a message to Don. Unfortunately she wasn’t to be that lucky.
She didn’t think she had given off any clues but the way he refused to let her out of his sight make her think otherwise. He was on her like white on rice and she immediately sensed that he knew something had changed in her.
Once the tea was made and they were sitting in the living room, he noticed the books on the end table. The books Meryl had purchased when she had made the trip out to Maine that dealt with memory loss and techniques that had been successful with some when attempting to regain said memory. “So Meryl how are you getting along up here all on your own?”
She wasn’t sure what he was getting at but she didn’t want him to get suspicious. “I’ve been good. It’s been really good for me to get away, clear my head you know?”
Nodding his head in agreement not saying anything in response. Picking up one of the books that was within reach he gave it a once over and asked, “So do these books really help or is it all a bunch of hocus pocus?”
Glancing quickly from him to the book in his hand and back to him she responded with “Not really, it’s nice knowing I’m not the only one who has so much trouble regaining their memory after a head trauma.”
She knew she was lying with what she responded with but she was still trying to feel him out and figure out what his game was.
Finally he slipped. “I know you don’t remember this but ever since I saw you again a few months ago it’s all I can think about; when we were together we were so good together. Within two months I knew I was never going to find anyone better than you. I just keep wondering how different my life and yours would have turned out if things had gone a different way, if you would have said yes when I asked you to marry me.”
Wanting to know where he was going with this she decided to make him believe that she often wondered about the same thing, since the accident since she had no recollection of the time prior.
“What’s stopping us from finding out? I mean you said it yourself you don’t remember your life with Don, and if it’s true if you really do wonder about what could have been with us maybe this is our chance to find out.”
She could feel herself starting to panic at what he was suggesting. Not knowing how to handle his proposition she did her best to placate him.
“Jack, regardless of what I remember, I’m married to Don I have a family and a life with him and I owe it to him as well as my children to try to remember, I mean it hasn’t been all that long after all.”
Worried he may have overstepped Jack thought it best to back off, not a lot but just a bit. He wasn’t above mind games as he had proven over the last few months, or manipulation for that matter, but he didn’t want to force his hand to much in the matter of ‘persuading’ Meryl to leave Don for him, because if he did there would be nothing stopping her from changing her mind later on.
So now was time for a judgment call did he let nature and his games take their course; hoping he could push Meryl enough to the edge to make her believe that Jack was the better choice over Don? Or did he take it a step further and give her no choice but to choose him? The more he looked at her and spent time with her the more he knew he only had one option.
Sorry it took me so long to update, I couldn’t make up my mind where I wanted to go after Meryl regained her memories of Don. I knew I had to give you all something if I wanted to go the direction I’m leaning toward.
Let me know what you think and that you’re still with me.
Hope everyone had a great holiday and hopefully I wont get stuck like this again and will be able to update more frequently.