FIC/ART: A Chance Encounter (Eridan♠Vriska)

Aug 28, 2011 00:30

Creator: KamdenSL
Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings (if applicable): Implied violence
Summary: While hunting for lusi food, Eridan and Vriska meet for the first time.

In what could have been a peaceful, uneventful day, an orange-blooded peasant and his lusus fled for their lives.

He can still hear the ebb and flow of the Alternian ocean echoing through this cavern, but he isn't terribly concerned about where he is or where he is headed. The only thing that matters is that he escapes the pursuit of his blue-blooded assailant.

Damn. He didn't see that one coming. He's not sure how that persistant troll could've set this trap for him, but he's certain that she can't be far behind him.

"Ha ha ha!" She shouted triumphantly, "You can't escape me now! But did you honestly think you could, you pathetic loser?"

"Hey!" shouted a figure from the shadows, "Hold on just a moment, I set up this trap! They're mine!"

The seadweller approached the troll girl, his anger quite apparent in his aggressive demeanor. But she is not one to back down.

"No," she interjected, "they are my prey! I chased that guy in here!"

"Yeah, into my territory! The ocean and the shore belong to the seadwellers, you dirtscraping thief!"

"All territory is mine for the taking. All of it. I don't care what you stupid seadwellers think" she retorted.

"How disgraceful!" the purple-blood bemoaned, "I must remind you that you are talking to a member of the royal caste, commoner."

"Commoner?!" she shrieked, "I'm a blue-blood, you twit! Ugh, I just met you and I already hate you!"

Although greatly flattered by her hatred, the seadweller had a job to finish.

"The feeling is mutual, I assure you," he responded. "If Fef didn't need to feed Gl'bgolyb right now, I'd stay and pursue a kismessitude with you, but I must claim that lusus and go."

"Hold on," said the girl, "you only want the lusus? I only needed the troll to feed Spidermom."

"So it's settled, then."

"Works for me!"

After the highbloods claimed their prize, she turned to face him, her hand extended.

"Vriska Serket," she said to formally introduce herself. The seadweller took her hand, and returned the courtesy.

"Eridan Ampora."

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