Jul 27, 2005 10:40
monday turned out to be a fun night. i got all dressed up in my new sexy corset top and a white skirt with this new beautiful necklace i bought to match my top and headed over to chad's to meet everyone before we went to dinner. we got to the bistro and it was sooo awkward. i didn't know this at the time but it was a joint birthday for chad and this girl ashley who is "dating" jared horne. i guess there is really no such thing as dating jared becuz he has "concubines" and his girlfriend doesn't know ne thing about it. what an idiot. who dates jared horne? get for real. but the food was good and so was the company (chad, lance, mike, chad's sister charne, and this other girl nicole were at my table). after dinner i met up with laura, mike, billy, brian and dan at the bowling alley. i was a little rusty at first but i won the second game! yay! that was a lot of fun too and me and laura ordered some drinks and they convinced me to come back and hang out for a bit even tho i didn't really want to. once i got there we just hung out for a bit and then i went to leave and dan tried to stop me. i thought it was kinda cute but now thinking back on it it makes me sick after what happened last night.....
yesterday me and dan had plans to go for a motorcycle ride. so iwent over there we watched friends for a bit and then headed to the pier. dan had wanted to watch the sunset even tho it was kinda early. we decided to stop by blockbuster to change out some movies on our way there and after picking out new movies decided it was too hot outside to go to the pier and to just go back to his place. when we got there we put on the upside of anger which i really liked. his dad made fun of him for renting that movie but i think he liked it too. ne ways long story short Dan tried to go for more than was being offered and i left pretty upset. he kept trying to apologize but i didn't really know what to say so..... if he knows what's good for him he won't try to make it better for awhile. o well now i hopefully won't have to worry about that situation ne more.
i have an ultrasound today and then i'm gonna work out and lay out...should be a pretty relaxing day. i also need to return some stuff to the mall and go check out how much it would cost to get a banner made for my friend's apartment for their birthdays. i am excited about it! neal got in touch with me last night too so i am not worried ne more. he was in toronto which is why i couldnt' get a hold of him for so long. well i g2g shower before the doctor's.